Chapter 12

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The smell of fresh coffee wafts through the house as I wait for Luke. My mum is at work meaning that I have the house to myself all day, so Luke and I decided that it would be a good idea to meet up here rather than at a coffee shop. He didn't want to risk being recognized.

The door bell rings and can't seem to stop myself checking my hair and make-up in the reflection of a window one more time before I open the door. I am greeted by Luke's warm smile and bight blue eyes and I couldn't be happier.

"Good morning." He chimed with a grin.

"Morning." I replied before he leans in to peck me on the lips. "Come in."

I lead him through the front door and towards the kitchen. His mouth opens in awe as he takes in the interior of my house.

"Your house is huge!" He exclaims, looking around.

"Yeah I's too big for two people though. Especially when one oft  them is never here." I say dryly.

"You don't like your house?" He asked, and I sensed that he was slightly confused by my distaste for the place.

"It's not that I don't like's just that..." I began before I decided not to continue.

"What? You can tell me?" He said gently, giving no sense of pushiness, only warmth.

"Well...everywhere I turn something reminds me of him..."

"Your dad?"

"Yeah. See, you lost your dad before you had the chance to form any memories of him. For you, he is just a figment of your imagination. For me, I got to spend years with my dad before he died and so I made a tonne of memories with him. Don't get me wrong, they were all amazing memories, it's just that being in a place that reminds me of those memories every second of every day doesn't really help me in trying to move on and live a normal life."

"Wow...I never though about it that way. To be honest I was always slightly jelous of the fact that you actually got to meet your dad and spend time with him, but I guess that meant that you had someting to lose. I never really lost dad is just something that has never existed."

"Yeah I guess..." I muse quietly, my eyes starting to water slightly.

"But enough of that...I definitely didn't come here to make you upset. I came here for some coffee and to look at some of your photos." He said with a genuine smile.

"Yeah, of course. Well I think the coffee is ready so feel free to grab a mug and pur yourself a cup while I go and grab my album."

After a few minutes rummaging around in my bedroom I return to the kitchen. Luke is sipping from a mug while looking around the mug. He doesn't notice my return until I clear my through.

"Hey, you're back. I'm really excited to see these." He said when he turned around. He couldn't seem to wipe the smile from his face and looked like a little kid on Christmas.

"To be honest I'm kind of excited to show you. Well...actually I'm pretty terrified but I have never shown anyone before so I'm keen to know what you think." I say timidly.

"Don't worry I won't hold back - I'll tell you exactly what I think." He replies with a wink.

I laugh lightly and place the photo album in his hands. He is sitting on one of the stools by the kitchen bench and I stay standing directly in front of him as I wait for his response.

"This album is a collection of photos that I have taken over the past few years. All of my favourites are in here. There are landscapes, abstracts and a lot of photos from gigs that I have been to." I explain as he slowly turns the pages and scans each image individually.

He doesn't say a thing the whole time and shows no emotion. When he finally reaches the end he closes the book, places it on his lap, takes a deep breath and looks up at me.

"These are absolutely incredible. Beyond incredible. I'm speechless."

"Well...thank you."

"I had no idea that you were so talented. I mean, I expected some decent pictures but these...are out of this world." He says looking in my eyes and I can tell from his tone that he means every word.

"Listen, I need to go and do a few things before tonight's show, but sound check is at 2pm and you should definitely come and watch. It might me nice to see us perform without the screams." He says with a smirk.

"Absolutely. I'll be there."

He kisses me on the cheek lightly before rushing out the door.

"I'll see you later Elle!" He yells just before he is out of view.

"See ya." I reply, but I doubt that he hard me.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 02, 2014 ⏰

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