Chapter 6

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I stay and watch the rest of the gig from side stage.

"How was it?" Luke asks me as soon as he gets of stage, his voice unsure.

"Good, really good." I answer honestly.

"I'm glad you liked it. Now I really want to introduce you to the rest of the band but first there's something that I want to show you."

The venue empties within fifteen minutes as people make their way outside to buy merchandise or get in position near the back of the venue in the hopes of catching a glimpse of the boys leaving.

Luke takes my hand and leads me onto the now empty stage, a gesture that I quickly brush off as purely friendly and nothing more.

"What did you want to show me?" I ask, curiosity getting the best of me.

"Just watch." He says, taking a seat on one of two stools and pulling out his acoustic guitar. I sit on the stool opposite him and watch intently as he strums the first chord.


Song: 'Someone To Fall Back On' by Aly Michalka

I'll never be a knight in armor

With a sword in hand or a kamikaze fighter;

Don't count on me to storm the barricades

And take a stand or hold my ground;

You'll never see any scars or wounds 

I don't walk on coals, I won't walk on water:

I am no prince, I am no saint, I am not anyone's wildest dream,

But I can stand behind and be someone to fall back on.

Some comedy-- You're bruised and beaten down

And I'm the one who's looking for a favor.

Still, honestly, you don't believe me

But the things I have are the things you need.

You look at me like I don't make sense,

Like a waste of time, like it serves no purpose -

I am no prince, I am no saint, & if that's what you believe you need,

You're wrong - you don't need much, you need someone to fall back on

And I'll be that, I'll take your side.

If I'm the only one, I'm used to that.

I've been alone, I'd rather be 

The half of us, the least of you, the best of me.

And I will be your prince, I'll be your saint,

I will go crashing through fences

In your name. I will, I swear -

I'll be someone to fall back on!

I'll be the one who waits,

And for as long as you'll let me,

I will be the one you need.

I'll be someone to fall back on your prince, your saint,

The one you believe you need

I'll be - I'll be someone to fall back on.


"Please Elle, let me be the person that you fall back on." His words and expression are soft.

"I care about you Luke, I really do, but -"

"But what?" He asks, the harshness in his voice surprising me.

"I've told you before - I can't let myself get attached to you Luke." I exclaim, my voice and arms raising in frustration.

"I don't understand, why not?" He questions, his eyes sad and hurt, his face crumpled in confusion as he absorbs my words.

" don't need me. Someone like you doesn't need someone like me, and when you realize that, you're going to leave me. And that's fine. As long as I don't let myself become dependent on you." I mutter, just loud enough for him to hear me. My voice and expression are emotionless. For the first time in my life, I don't have the energy to be angry.

"You're right."


While I always knew that he could never and would never need me, hearing his confession out loud broke my heart in a way I never thought possible.

"I don't need you...I...I love you Elle."

Before I can even begin to make sense of his words, the words that had I never expected to hear him say, I feel the unfamiliar sensation of his lips on mine.

And I can't bring myself to fight him any longer.

Pieces of us Both // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now