Chapter 1

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As I step outside, I am instantly hit with the familiar sensation of the cool night air on my bare arms. I slide my jacket over my arms and hug it tightly across my chest as I take in my surroundings. The hum of our neighbour's generator, interrupted only by the occasional screech of a bird or bat, fills my ears. I feel at ease.

I have always found myself drawn to the serenity that comes from lone walks during the night. There is something oddly comforting being blanketed by blackness and the occasional pool of light from a street lamp.

They say that if one of your senses is blocked than those remaining become all the more stronger to try and compensate. I think it's this theory that forms the foundation of why I find walking alone at night so appealing. My vision is restricted by the darkness of the night, yet everything seems so clear. The buzzing of insects or the distant honk of a car horn become the things that demand all of my attention, and the chilly winter air is a constant reminder that I'm still alive. The smell of smoke fills my nostrils as I inhale deeply. I feel free and fresh.

I have lost count of the number of times that people have advised me not to go out alone at night, especially considering the slow pace at which I tend to walk, but I can't help it. This is my sanctuary, the only time when I feel that my head is clear and everything makes sense for once. The incredible mixture of enhanced scents and sounds with the sting of cold air hitting my warm skin is the perfect distraction way to escape reality, even if only for a little while.

The sound of a tree branch snapping breaks me out of my trance. My head whips around in an attempt to locate the source of the noise, but it is useless - everything is black. I keep walking but force myself to remain slightly more alert than I normally would be.

"Didn't anyone ever tell you not to be out alone after dark?" a voice questions from behind me. This time when I look around I manage to make out the silhouette of a figure coming towards me.

I begin to panic and prepare myself for the sprint back to my house that I am contemplating, until I realize that none of this is necessary. As soon as the light hits his face, the clarity that I had been relishing in is replaced by an overwhelming sense of disbelief and confusion. I  guess I should be at least slightly concerned for my safety, scared for my life even - strangers in the dark are known to evoke such emotional responses in defenceless young girls - but this is no stranger.

Standing before me is Luke Hemmings.

Pieces of us Both // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now