7. Jordan I

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I had no idea why Macy behaved like that. Ever since our engagement, she had not been herself. Before, she was so happy, so radiant, so free. But now, she was a different person.

"I will be here when you come back." She had said these words with a grave tone. She did not even say goodbye. It felt like I was forcing her to stay with me. Was I?

The day we met, I had felt a strong attraction towards her. Every time I looked into her amber eyes, I would loose myself in its beauty. But now, her stare was vacant, lifeless. And maybe, I was the cause.

I got up from the bed and headed to the shower. The cold water hitting me on my back felt comforting. I closed my eyes and let out a huge sigh. Last night's memory kept creeping back in my mind. It was bad. We had slept in the same bed but it felt like there was a wall between us. She wouldn't let me kiss her. She wouldn't let me touch her. I felt disgusted with myself. A tear escaped my eye.

I longed to kiss her, to hold her, to feel her warmth across my body. I wanted her to know how much she meant to me, how much I desired her, how much I admired her and how much I loved her. I wanted her to feel the intensity of my attraction.

After finishing my shower, I brushed my teeth. Then, I stared into the mirror. The brown eyes had lost its twinkle. The black stubble covered most of my brown face. The wet curly black hair sticked to my forehead, giving me a sickly appearance. I went into my room, put on my office clothes and headed towards the dining room.

Maria, my housekeeper, was making breakfast in the kitchen. "Good morning, Maria." I greeted her with a warm smile.

"Good morning, Cariño." Her tone was motherly, accentuated by her Spanish accent. "Sit down. I'm making spanish omelette."

"It smells amazing."

"I wanted to ask you something, Jordan." She looked at me with a concern, her voice unfaltering. "Was asking Macy to marry you the right decision?"

I was taken aback. I asked slowly, measuring every word, "What do you mean?"

"Don't get me wrong. But Macy seems to be a different and distant person since your engagement."

So, it was not just me. She had caught a change in Macy's behaviour as well. I could not let her know that there was a problem. I had to act confident. I ran my fingers through my hair and put on a composed look. Staring into her eager, questioning eyes, I replied, "No. It's nothing like that. She is just busy with her work."

"Are you sure?" Maria pressed on.

"Sí, sí. Absolutely." I lied.

For the time being, Maria seemed convinced. But it was quite clear that something was indeed wrong with Macy.

And I had to find out what it was.


Author's Note

I don't speak Spanish so I just used Google translate. If any Spanish speakers are reading this, you can correct the Spanish words by leaving an inline comment or DM me and I'll surely make the necessary changes!

 If any Spanish speakers are reading this, you can correct the Spanish words by leaving an inline comment or DM me and I'll surely make the necessary changes!

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