6. Macy II

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Rubbing both of my wrists together, I brought my left wrist close to my nose and took in the mellow smell of the perfume. It was the same one that I had worn on my birthday. That day was a distant memory now, yet the prominent diamond ring on my finger couldn't care less. The gold ring with the princess cut diamond had literally put a worth to Jordan's love and it was a lot.

I turned around to look at the man laying in my bed. He slept on his stomach, his black hair messed and his bare brown body protected by the white covers. He looked so peaceful.

As I was wearing my jeans, Jordan stirred on the bed. He blinked a few times and rubbed his eyes before setting his sleepy gaze on me.

"Good morning, beautiful. Where are you going so early?" His voice was heavy and coarse from not talking for a long time.

"Good morning." I smiled with my mouth closed. "I'm going to the diner. I need to work on my blog."

"But if you leave now, you won't be here when I go off to work."

"But I will be here when you come back." I turned on my heels and left Jordan with a confused expression.

"Good morning, ma'am." Victor looked as smart as he always did.

"Good morning, Victor and thanks for coming so early in the morning." I replied with an apologetic look.

"It's my job, ma'am. Get in the car. I'm guessing, you'd like to go to the diner?"


Sitting inside the car, a beautiful face flashed in my mind. Ellen was inside this car just a few days back yet not a trace of her presence was visible. When she looked at me that night with the most piercing brown gaze, I had felt a shiver run down my spine. I did not know why that happened but after agreeing to this wedding, Ellen had occupied the better part of my mind. I had caught her staring at me quite a few times at the diner before but I had just dismissed it as something unimportant. But since that night, I had seen her in a new light.

It's not that I don't like Jordan, but I don't love him. He is nice. But that's it. He doesn't make my heart race. He is a good person. He respects me and my work. My family loves him. I know he'd make a good husband. Yet, I had this nagging sense of doubt in my head. I did not intend to have the wedding any sooner but being someone's fiancée so fast was not what I had imagined.

"We're here, ma'am." Victor announced as the car slowed down to a stop.

My eyes wouldn't move away from the shining diamond on my finger. A familiar beautiful face flashed in my mind. I let out a huge sigh and bit my lower lip.

Before getting out of the car, I slid off my engagement ring into my bag.


Author's Note

Ooooooo.. What's gonna happen next?

 What's gonna happen next?

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