day 4//

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"mornin' cap." taehyung took off his blazer as he sat in front of the captain.

"why all dressed up kim? is this connected to why you worked over time yesterday?"

"yes! got a date in a while sir."

jungkook walked in at that exact moment and he did not like what he heard.

was up on the bet?

surely he must love his mustang right?

was the bet off completely ?

"ah, well I hope you have fun then detective."

"sure will, sir. he's a gem." taehyung looked down, smiling as he got up.

he didn't know jeon had been listening. he clenched his jaw and looked the other way as he walked out of the door, leaving a very flustered jungkook because hot damn did taehyung kill in that suit.

"jungkook. what's going on? is this about the bet?" jimin asked him after he came out of namjoon's office.

"what do you mean?"

"dude, he's been so cold towards you. is there something you did? I mean honestly, he likes you so damn much. and he has a date now? are you sure you didn't say anything or do something ?"

"actually, I think I did."

"what'd you do?" jimin softly slapped his own forehead with his tiny hand.

"okay look. I'm a competitive little douche. you know that. so when I saw that he was winning, my veins just really began to feel like they were on fire. I didn't know what to do. and I may have just said things I shouldn't have."

"what did you say, jungkook."

"I said I hated him. and that I hated even the idea of going on a date with him. and then I walked past him while saying that I had a mustang to win."

"anything else ?"

"uuhhh i called him a fuckboy."

"yep, you fucked up." jimin sipped on his coffee and sat at his desk.

"i don't know if you can fix it but, talk to him, i guess. check if the bet is even on. you made a mess, jeon. no wonder he's been off. he has hella feelings for you, but you don't see it."

"don't ever use the word 'hella' again, bye." jungkook said and heard a chuckling jimin behind him as he approached taehyung.

"hey tae."

"not now, i'm busy."

"no it's impor-"

"'m.busy." taehyung's jaw clenched.

"okay listen-"

"don't you understand ? i said i was busy didn't i?"

"look taeh-"

"yeah you don't get a hint. when have you ever gotten a hint."

"what is that supposed-"

"shut up!" taehyung half yelled, after stopping his typing.

"there's no need to raise your voice like that!"

"just...leave. why are you even speaking to me. you hate me remember? can't stand the thought of being with me even for a day.
i do my dates, don't i? just leave already."

"tae...i... I didn't mean-"

"that's what you say. but we all know you fucking meant it. i've been trying to show you that i really care and that i really like you for the past few months but you don't want to get the point and if you really want that goddamn mustang then just take it honestly. at this point i couldn't care less. you already invade my mind every second of the day, what more do you want from the one you hate so much?"

when taehyung's voice cracked at the last word, jungkook's throat closed up.

he knew taehyung had a thing for him but he didn't know he had feelings for him. that was different.
that was what jungkook had. not taehyung. jungkook had feelings for the older, it shouldn't be this way.

now what?

"taehyung please just listen-"

"i told you. take it. i don't care." taehyung hit the space bar forcefully, answering kook simultaneously.

"let me speak!"

taehyung kept quiet and sighed as he turned to face jungkook.

"i'm sorry i said that, okay? i just really hate losing. i could never hate you. i miss all our bickering and the conversations we used to have near the coffee maker. look, taehyung. i fucked up. but just trust me when i say I didn't mean it?"

"yeah you didn't mean it. and I've got a date to go to. bye, jungkook. I really hope you find someone who likes you as much as I do because I know I can't get over you that easily."

taehyung grabbed at his blazer and left the building after informing the captain.

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