day 2 //

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taehyung was the kind of guy who could take jokes.
heck, he was a prankster most of the time.
he knew how to make people laugh and he loved it.

what he didn't know how to respond to was jungkook's outburst.

so tae did what he did best. he began to grow distant and didn't speak to jungkook the next day.

he figured that if jungkook hated him so much, what was the point if he even won ? after the date, they'd just either go back to being colleagues or they'd become worse rivals than before.

tae just didn't see the point.
so he started giving up.

the bet had been in his favour all this time , but he started losing interest altogether.

the captain already noticed taehyung's aura changing the second day.

"detective taehyung?"


"woke up on the wrong side of the bed ?"

"...just tired i guess."

"hm. well, get back to work, you've got a load of paperwork pending."

jungkook's bunny smile appeared in front of his face as soon as taehyung turned around to step out of the captain's office.
and it felt like needles were poking his chest.

he hated this scenario but tae was a guy who had self respect and dignity.
he wasn't going to chase after someone who literally considered him a fuckboy.
even if he liked him so much so that his mind was filled with thoughts of him.

"another five cases solved sir !
here's the paperwork too. colour coded actually, i had the time." jungkook beamed at the captain and taehyung didn't look at him.

"move." taehyung stated dryly and pushed past kook to get to his desk.

jungkook furrowed his eyebrows.

he's probably pissed about losing.


"jungkook, 27 and tae? 25.
seems like i'm getting that sweet ride after all, eh?" jungkook said, standing in the centre while the others hooted and cheered him on.

taehyung didn't respond. his fingers typed away at the keyboard and he ignored jungkook's presence.

"hey, jerk. did you hear-"

"loud and clear." taehyung growled lowly.
"now if you'll excuse me, i have paperwork to give in."

jungkook went back to his desk, kicking his shoes off as he shrugged and began to work on another case.

he understood that everyone had their bad days so he left taehyung alone. he didn't want to pester him anyway.

but jungkook regretted saying what he said yesterday.
it was just that he hated losing so much that his brain got muddled.

he knew what he said was harsh but he just hoped that taehyung didn't take it seriously.

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