day 1 //

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"tae 23 annnnd coconut headass...22." taehyung said, closing the marker.

ugh, he hated this. he was competitive, goddamn it. he hated losing.

"yeah enjoy your win while it lasts." jungkook rolled his eyes.

"oh i will, sweet cheeks." tae winked at the younger and proceeded to sit at his desk.

jungkook rolled his eyes as taehyung sat down and huffed.

how the fuck was he supposed to get back at tae if he keeps solving those crimes?

he had to come up with a plan to overtake taehyung, and he had to come up with it fast.


"what is it now, detective jeon?"

"i want to take up those two cases. the ones that came in two weeks ago."

"detective, I've told you before. these are the hardest-"

"i'll take 'em."

"with the paperwork?"

namjoon sighed and took off his glasses, setting them on the table before speaking.

"okay, enough with the shenanigans. what's going on?
is it the bet that's making you act this way? because I like genuine interest, jeon. not interest fuelled by whatever it is you two are betti-"

their conversation was cut off by a bubbly taehyung.

"gooood morning cap! i see that jungkook here has already arrived. well, I just wanted to let you know that both the case involving the cat and the one involving the lady in the bathtub, has in fact been...solved.
oooo what's that I hear? ah! the sound of victory!!

taehyung, 25. kookie, 22." he skipped outside like a little girl on a meadow.

jungkook looked like he was ready to fucking explode.
those two cases were the ones he wanted to ask for.
how the hell is tae so efficient and how the fuck is he so smart?

he'd never admit it, but it was actually hot as hell.

the captain sighed and said , "well, then. in about ten seconds he'll be announcing how he solved it."

"yep. right abouutttt, now." jungkook replied, walking out of the captain's office.


"...and the cat was poisoned man, blatant mistake. the lady who died in the bathtub ? all connected. the woman mixed a vague chemical and there was a reaction. well, obviously we needed an autopsy when we saw the discolouration at her fingertips.
turns out the cat went into the bathroom through the window. sooooo, yeah. two cases in a day, damn am I good at this or what !?"

tae turned around to see jungkook storming off outside the office.


"well, what's got his panties in a twist?"

"face it tae, he just hates losing." hoseok chimed in, typing away at his computer.

"well, he needs to get used to it then. four more days and I'll be takin' him out."

"how are you so sure? what if he decides to take up five more cases everyday and solve them? he may not be fast but once he's on a roll, that boy can really make people scared of losing their job." hoseok bit on a cookie as he spoke.

"look, it's not that simple. cap won't give those cases to him. besides, I'm the one who's taking extra ones everyday."

"why are you even doing it?"

"cause I fucking like him, is it not obvious?"

"ah, young love." jimin walked toward tae and kicked him in the shin.

"what the fuck was that for!!"

"I dunno, felt like it. you're a wimp. ha. anyway, what's up with jungkook? he hasn't come back yet after storming off. looked like someone stole all his carrots."

"he's just salty thats all."

"I have a feeling it's more than just that. where's the scoreboard?" he looked around for it,

"oh wow. it's just three points more, why's he sulking? it's literally a win-win situation."

"not a win win at all ? cause he hates taehyung? and doesn't wanna go on a date with him?" hoseok stated.

taehyung knew jungkook wasn't too fond of him, and he knew his crush was totally one-sided.

but a boy can dream right?

"ah there you are jeon-"

"leave me alone." he pushed taehyung away.

"woah no need to get so grumpy mr.sulky pants."

jungkook sighed as he spun around, loosening his neck tie and talking through gritted teeth.
his neck veins began to show.

"listen. i hate you. and i hate losing. and the last thing i want to do here, is go on a fucking date with you. you're a fuckboy. you don't do dates. you do your dates.

so if you would excuse me,
i've got a mustang to win."

jungkook said, walking past taehyung angrily after purposely bumping shoulders with him.

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