chapter one

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"Good nutrition is extremely important to our overall health, it enhances our quality of life."

*tap* - *tap* - *tap*
Olivia frowned as she tapped her pen against her desk, looking down at her papers below, sighing.

"Can anyone else give an example of how good nutrition can be important to our lives?"

*tap* - *tap* - *tap*

The voice that called her name snapped Olivia back into reality as her head looked up to the chalkboard to face her teacher. "Olivia, could you give us an example?"

Olivia just stared at him. Her health teacher and coach, Negan, was a tall man with a fairly muscular body, who had dark brown hair and hazel eyes. He also sported a dark brown beard that covered his tan skin. He didn't mind if his students called him by his first name, he preferred that things weren't kept so formal.

"Olivia?" Her daydream came to an end as she realized that she was staring straight at her teacher. She shook her head. "I'm sorry, what?" She said nervously as she fluffed her hair back.

Right when Negan was about to speak, the bell rang. It was Olivia's last period of the day. "Alright ladies, have a good night. Don't forget the homework, read pages 23-27 and finish the questions. I will be checking tomorrow for completion." Negan said as he closed his textbook and put it inside his bag. As all the girls were starting to leave, he stopped Olivia. "Except for you, sweetheart. Have a seat." He pointed at her, instructing her to remain seated. Olivia bit her lip apprehensively, as she slowly sat back down in her chair again.

Once all the students were gone, it was only Olivia and Negan in the room.

"Tsk.. tsk.." Negan clicked his tongue as he looked at Olivia. Her head hung low in embarrassment. "I wanted to speak to you about something that is.. deeply concerning me." He stated as he stood up from his desk.

Olivia felt herself getting anxious. "Look.." He started and began walking toward her. "As your teacher, I feel that you've been.. I don't know.. uncomfortable lately. You're very quiet in class, you seem very shy. Either that, or you're worried about something." He grabbed a nearby chair and sat down in front of her. Olivia shivered. "Is everything okay?" Negan asked in concern. "You know, as your teacher and all, it's my job to make sure that you're.."

"I'm fine." She cut him off as she replied with a small voice. Negan stopped talking for a moment as Olivia played with her fingers anxiously.

He sighed and looked at her. "I know that something ain't right here." He said in a softer voice. Olivia looked up at him with frightened eyes. Negan's eyes grazed over her body. She was very thin and scrawny, almost to the point that it was unhealthy. Negan gave her a worried look.

"I-I'm.." Olivia stuttered. She sank down in her seat fearfully, intimidated by her teacher. "You wanna tell me what's goin' on darlin?" Negan questioned. "You don't gotta be scared or uncomfortable. It's me." He stated.

Olivia sat up in her chair again, but refused to make any eye contact. "I-I've just b-been.." She took a deep breath. "I-I've been going through.. s-some shit lately."

Negan glanced at her sympathetically. "Yeah? What kind of shit sweetheart? You know.. if you're comfortable telling me." He trailed off but he maintained his focus on her.

Olivia shrugged her shoulders as she thought it through. She had known Negan for a while, and she had decided that she trusted him enough to inform him on what she had been going through. "I-I have.. anxiety issues. I-I'm very.. s-sensitive and.." She felt her tears welling up in her eyes. "Insecure." Olivia paused on that word. "I-I starve myself, a-and I'm.." Her breath hitched.

"You're what?" Negan inquired.

She finally had the courage to look in his eyes. "Suicidal." She finishes with another deep breath.

Negan couldn't find words to say. One of his students was going through depression and he didn't realize her suffering until now.

"Fuck." He ran one hand through his hair. He looked at her again. "I'm so sorry." Negan apologized, immediately placing his hand on her arm as a sign of sympathy. She would have usually flinched in any other situation, but Olivia trusted Negan greatly. She knew that he would never do anything to intentionally hurt her in any way. "Please let me help you." He looked at Olivia with worry.

"You can't." She replied in her small voice again, sniffling as she wiped away her tears.

"Let me try, sweetheart." He squeezed her arm.

She shook her head. "There's nothing you can do, Negan. It's more than just that. I get m-made fun of often.. shit like that." Her voice was so small that it almost turned into a whisper.

"I'll shut that shit down real quick if you drop me some names." He said. She sniffled, wiping her tears again.

"It breaks my heart to see you like this, Olivia." Negan's voice cracked as Olivia saw his tears form in his eyes as well. She had never seen him like this, ever. "I just, can't. It hurts me." He placed his hand on his chest. "Just please, don't hurt yourself, okay? I swear to you, that things will get better."

He took in a breath before reassuring her. "If you need me, you know that my door is always open. I'm willing to talk to you whenever, wherever, about anything. I'll even leave you my number." He wrote it down on a slip of paper and handed it to her. She took the paper and nodded. "Promise?" Negan asked as he held his pinky finger out.

Olivia finally cracked the first smile that Negan had seen in a long while. "Promise." She whispered and locked their pinkies together. She leaned into him and hugged him. "T-thank you." Olivia mumbled as she nuzzled into him.

"Don't thank me darlin. It's my job." He replied as he rubbed her back.

"You need a lift home?" Negan asked as he stroked his beard.

"I'm okay, thank you." She smiled slightly.

"Alright, take care of yourself Olivia." He picked up his bags and swung them over his shoulder.

"Yes Sir, see you tomorrow." She nodded and walked out of the class, waving right before she left.

Negan waved back and sighed. He bit his lip. He knew that he had to step in and help her somehow. He walked out and locked the door, sighing again. Negan knew what he had to do, and he was going to make sure of it.

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