Chapter 16 - For Ashton

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*one week later*

I rolled over in my bed, the five thick blankets that were piled on top of me causing my body to become burning hot. I didn't care, though, it helped me actually feel something. The numbness had taken over me since Ashton's death.

Turning my head, I read that it was 11 in the morning, the earliest I had woken up that entire week. I dragged myself out of bed and got dressed quickly, leaving my dark hair in a mess. As I stole my phone from the bedside table, I realised that I had countless notifications from my small number of friends. I hadn't told anyone about what happened, nor gone to school for an entire week.

I knew I was acting just like June had, but frankly, I didn't give a fuck. My brother died. I shoved my earbuds into the phone violently, doing the same to my ears. For possibly the millionth time that week, I turned Gone Away on loop. By then, I had probably memorized every bit of Ashton's favorite song.

I slunk down the stairs and slipped on my boots and leather jacket, along with grabbing my father's lighter from the junk drawer in our kitchen. Easily, I exited my house.

It was snowing outside. The snow was crunchy underneath my black combat boots. Reaching into the pocket of my jacket, I felt the familiar package of cigarettes. I was trudging along the sidewalk in front of my house when I lit the cig.

Taking a deep breath of the cigarette and inhaling the refreshing smoke, I made my way to school. My life had been purely dull since Ash's death, causing me to feel the need to do something. I had always wished I could have been as smart as him.

The three miles had been covered after a ridiculously long time, my cig long gone. The song that was blasting over my earbuds repeated for the eighth time that day alone. I dropped the cigarette butt to the ground carelessly and simply walked into our unguarded school.

A memeber of the staff questioned me, but soon realised that I was a student and left me alone. I dragged myself down the empty hallway, boots causing loud echoes. Approaching my fifth hour classrom without haste, I pulled out my earbuds and turned off the emotional music.

I burst through the door and made my way to my assigned seat in the back. The teacher stopped her lechture to gape at me and quickly shut the door before ignoring the situation entirely and continue the lesson. Some students didn't care enough (or were sleeping) to question me, yet certain annoying people gave me strange looks. I sent those classmates death glares, causing them to fearfully return to taking notes.

After class was over, the teacher stopped me from heading to lunch to scold me on my disruptive behavior. Obviously, I turned around and left in the middle of her speach because I honestly didn't give a fuck about anything. There was nothing left for me to care about.

I skipped lunch, not in the mood to eat or confront my past aquaintences. Somehow, sitting on the floor at the bottom of a staircase wasn't a good enough hiding spot, so Hazel and Samantha found me once the bell rang.

For once, Sam kept her argumentative mouth shut and just stared at my lounging figure. "Where have you been?" Hazel asked quietly, barely loud enough for me to hear. I shrugged, not feeling the need to inform them on Ashton's death. Hazel crouched down next to me, observing my upsetting appearance.

"Please tell us, we just want to know if you're okay," She whispered sweetly, glancing back at a seemingly pissed-off Samantha. I honestly didn't blame her, but I also didn't care. Sam shook her head angrily, taking hold of Hazel's upper arm to get her away from me.

"Come on, Haze, she clearly doesn't want to talk to us," She forced through clenched teeth.

Before she was able to continue, though, Hazel interrupted her to speak again. "But something horrible happened to Aveline, you can tell," She softly spoke as she attempted to get Samantha to release her. Samantha didn't let go and instead held onto both arms, all while sending me a glare. "Sammyyy," Hazel groaned, finally pulling out of her best friend's grasp.

Retaliation ✔Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora