Chapter 35: Rings

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So there is a huge time leap here because what's about to happen wouldn't make sense for it to happen very quickly and ya. It'll make more sense in minute... I think


2 years later (told you it was a big time jump)

Tyler's POV

So apparently Troye wants to take me out to dinner, and apparently he has a surprise for me. Here's hoping it doesn't end up like that one surprise if you know which one I mean. The one that led to me in a coma and all that other terrible shit I should probably stop talking about. Troye was originally going to make the dinner a surprise as well, but, since he moved into my apartment with me a couple months ago, I overheard him calling to make reservations.

I had a surprise of my own tonight. When Troye had gone out to coffee with Lena, I had gone to a jewelers to get something special that I hoped would end up on his finger.

We rode in a cab to the restaurant because, well, the restaurant had wine and you can guess the rest. Getting out of the cab, we grabbed each other's hands and headed inside.

Inside it was incredible, and romantic. The lighting was dim, but not so dim you couldn't see. A candle burned on each table filling the room with a sweet fragrance. Everything had a dark wood finish. Overall, it was simply elegant.

"Do you have a reservation?" asked the woman by the podium at the entrance

"Yes we do." Troye answered



"Right this way." We followed her to our table and sat down. "Your server will be here shortly."

I began looking over the menu and, glancing at the price, exclaimed, "Troye, this is place is really exspensive!"

"Don't worry. I'm paying."

"Are you sure you have the money?"

"Girlfriend, I'm sure." he reassured me and smiled at me.

"Alright." I was not about to deny free food

We ate dinner and talked and laughed and teased and all that couple stuff all the time I held the ring in my pocket waiting for the right moment to do it.

"Tyler?" Troye said

"Hm." I hummed in response

"Do you wanna see my surprise now?" he asked grabbing my hand across the table. I gave him a pointed look to say 'of course I want to see it you idiot'.

Considering the surprise I had planned, you can imagine my surprise when Troye got down on one knee.



Teehee 🙊. I thought this would be kind if a unique way of doing it.

Anyway, the next chapter will be the last chapter BUT I will be writing another fanfiction after this. I will be taking a little break before I start it though.

Thank you so much for all the support on "might not be" I'm still not sure if I'm going to delete it or not so ya. Once I decide I'll definitely tell all of you. ❤️

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