Chapter 6: The Plan

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Lena's POV

Let me explain to you what Cayla and I's plan is to get Troye and Tyler together:

Step 1: I offer to have us all hang out again

Step 2: Cayla is 'busy' and can't come leaving just me and the boys

Step 3: we go out to lunch where I push them toward the topic of relationships while dropping some hints that they both like each other

Step 4: I go to 'the bathroom' while really hiding nearby

Step 5: (if all goes well) they confess their love and live happily ever after forever in our debt because we got them together

Hopefully all goes according to plan. If not, I don't know what we're gonna do

-- the next day at lunch --

"Oh my god this sandwich is amazing!" Troye exclaimed

"I know, this place has the best food." I said. And the best bushes nearby for me to hide in. "So Tyler, are single pringle or taken bacon."

"Single pringle!" he answered

"Funny, I happen to know another single pringle." I said looking directly at Troye

"Shut up." Troye said back

"Being single is nothing to be embarrassed about." I said, then added "But I do admit you should change it."

"Who would I ask out?"

"Your crush."

"Which one?"

I gave him a look saying 'you know which one' before announcing "I have to go the bathroom."

Troye's POV

I knew exactly which one she was talking about. The one sitting right across the table from me. I also knew she was trying to set me up with him, but there is no way I'm asking him out. Although, if she's trying to set us up, she probably knows something.

My palms started to clam up and I started to sweat nervously knowing that I have to do this. She wouldn't try setting this up unless she knew things would end well. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out.

"Troye, are you ok?" Tyler asked me

"Uh. Ya. Let's just eat."

Lena's POV

I thought he was gonna do it, but he couldn't get the words out. He just sat there with his mouth hanging open.

I heard Tyler ask him if he was ok. That's it. This isn't working.



Double update 'cause I'm nice, but cliffhanger 'cause I'm also evil. Well, I don't know. Is this a cliffhanger? it's so hard to know when I write a cliffhanger because I know what's coming.

And I'm pretty sure LenaBe6 and blackLips369 are the only ones reading this since I switched accounts and I just want to say you two are slaymazing

If anyone else is actually reading you need to go read both of their fan fictions 'The Beginning of Forever' (blackLips369's) and 'Aquamarine Eyes' (LenaBe6's). These girls are seriously talented.

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