Chapter 3: Taco Bell

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Tyler's POV

I was sitting on my couch reading comments on my newest video when I remembered something. I had Troye's number.

I whipped out my phone and texted Troye.

Me: Hey, I'm not doing anything today. Wanna hang out?

Troye: Sure! just tell me where and when

Me: Taco Bell in an hour

Troye: mind if I bring a friend?

Me: not at all. I'm bringing too

Troye: see ya in an hour 😉

With that our little conversation ended. I texted Cayla telling her to meet me there as well before going and getting ready.

I actually didn't take very long to get ready, which was a first, so I decided to walk.

I got there in no time and saw Troye and the others waiting.

"Hey!" I said walking up

"Hey!" They all said in unison

"Are you gonna introduce us?" I asked pointing at the girl standing next Troye.

"Tyler this is Lena. Lena this is Tyler." he introduced

"Nice to meet you." I said

"And you." she responded perkily. I could already tell we'd get along.

"I assume you've already met Cayla."

"Yup. She cool."

We went inside and ordered our food and sat down. We sat in a booth with me and Troye one side and Lena and Cayla on the other. They were whispering and giggling like best friends would. I wonder what they're talking about. I just dismissed it and focused on my taco.

We spent the rest of the day together as a group. I could already see us all becoming friends.


First of all I want to apologize for not uploading for forever. I had an essay to write for English and after writing a bit of that every night I did not want to write anymore. Hope you can understand

Whelp. That's pretty much all I have to say.

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