CHAPTER 1 Discovered

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"Maya, Wake up you have been sleeping half the day!"I heard a irritated voice say.

I rolled over groggily. "And what is wrong with that? " I said

"Well...its longer then you usually sleep." Said Kate with a cheeky tone of voice.

I rolled my eyes up heaven. "Oh my god your such a pain in the neck sometimes Kate! "

"Well that's what big sisters are for now...aren't they???" She said smirking.

"Ha ha! you up for a swim?" I suggested.

"I'm already to go. Swim suit on and everything. " Said Kate proudly.

" Oh...great ha ha but there's one problem..." I said trying to getting her nerves.

"Oh Ye and what's that?"

"it's to far to get to the beach. I'm not bothered." I said yawning.

"Maya! shut it and stop being lazy we live on the beach for gods sake!"

"Ye well still to far for me....I've got little legs you know Kate."

"Oh hold on now, Wait just a minute! I know what your thinking and no your not getting on my back!" Said Kate smiling.

"Come on Kate just like old times remember you use to dunk me head first under the water and I'd get you back by rubbing sea weed in you're face hahaha! Now those times I sure do miss..."

"Me too...Ye well those times are over now and you know why Maya ever since you went all crazy saying you were seeing that.'"

"SHUT UP!!! you know what Kate I think I'll go swimming...on my own."

My name is Maya Henderson I live in a small handmade house on a small island with my sister Kate. I was three years old when my parents decided to take a family trip near the sea. We had only been there less then a week when my dad hired out a small boat to sail way out to try spot the whales we were about mid way out when the rain started pouring down like a monsoon and the wind blew like a hurricane the boat started filling up with water my dad grabbed onto Kate and told her to rip a plank out of the boat and hold on to it until we reach land. "Look after your sister I love you" He told her and the boat sank and both him and my mother went down with it. Kate being only seven at the time put me on top of the plank of wood and pushed along barely clutching on herself. The waves pulled us along at there strongest force and a while later we ended up here...My home...And if it wasn't for this island we would have died too. So I'm grateful I guess. just about a year ago I was standing at the sea when I heard someone call my name in a ghost like tone. I immediately got enhanced by this voice and wanted to follow it. I stared to walk further and further into the sea until my feet couldn't touch the bottom anymore. I began to go under and for some strange reason I didn't need air it was like I could breath under water. I felt safe and comfortable. I began to swim deeper under until I saw a little girl under water with  long brown hair and a torn up old white dress "Your not safe up there" she said. "stay down hear with me or you will end up like all of us."

Feeling scared and out of breath I  quickly swam to the top gasping for breath.

I swam back into shore where I met my sister with a tear rolling down her cheek. I tried to explain to her what had happened but of course she wouldn't listen. She tough I had went out swimming and bumped my head on a rock and had just simply hallucinated the whole thing but I know for a fact that it was real.

I walked out of the door and slammed it behind me. I flung off my flip flops and ran straight out to the sea. It was flat today and not a wind blew. I waited at the edge so the sea would just go a bit over my feet. it was rather cold today which I didn't mind I was use to it. I went in further then started to swim. An hour had gone by and I was just about to swim back into shore when suddenly something popped up out of the water. It was small blue and had a bodge of yellow in the middle. As I came closer I began to realize what the thing was. It was a shoe. A child's shoe. It was a blue shoe with a yellow flower in the middle. Where did this come from? I picked it up and brought it back to land. I stood there for a minute inspecting it. As I turned it  around I noticed that there was a bit of dried in blood.

EW! I threw it back into the sea and it seemed to disappear out of site quickly. A bit to quickly if you ask me.

I walked up towards the house I gazed into the forest behind it and then decided to wonder in to have a look. I do that the odd day if I'm annoyed at something or  simply bored. I put on my flipflops and started to head in.

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