09 - You stupid Cat!

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"You damn stupid Cat!" Marinette shouted, pummelling Adrien's chest.

He was completely unresponsive. It would be over soon. Father got what he wanted. He wouldn't hurt anyone more. Except his son, of course. After all, he, Adrien was to be the price for the return of his mother.

"I'm sorry, Marinette." Adrien whispered. "I couldn't lose you."

"But I can lose you, right?!" she said angrily and then she started crying.

He hugged her tightly. Perhaps for the last five minutes of his life. Let it last as long as possible.

"You know, Marinette... I wish I realised sooner what I feel." Adrien whispered.

"I wish that too..." she muttered.

"Better late than too late, huh?"

"Silly Kitty... Even at the end you can't resist?"

"I love you." He confessed as if he wanted these words were the last he would say.

"I love you too, Adrien." She replied as if she wanted these words to be the last he would hear.

And then he kissed her – for the last time.

Suddenly they felt a gust that swept them along loosening their hug. Marinette cried Adrien's name, but her voice vanished in the roar of the whirlwind. She reached for him hopelessly, but they were parted. So that was the end? It was so unfair!

They looked at each other terrified, and at that moment Adrien realised that if they saw each other for the last time, he didn't want to be remembered as a scared kid who had been caught by a small tornado. No. She was supposed to remember him as a smiled boyfriend in love with her.

He smiled bravely and winked to her. And she – though surprised at first – laughed and rolled her eyes. All her – all Ladybug!

And suddenly everything fell silent. They hit the ground with a clatter. Adrien was surprised that he felt anything. If he died, he shouldn't feel pain, right?

"Adrien? Son? Is that you?" he suddenly heard a voice that he hadn't hear for so long and which he missed so much!

Mom? But how?

He looked around, dismayed.

His mother stood next to him – as confused as he was.

Marinette slowly stood up against the wall, trying to massage her hip. She took a quick glance at the Hawkmoth shelter. Her eyes widened in surprise when she saw Adrien and his mother standing face to face. He was alive! He survived! She felt the urgent need to embrace him. But no. Now he should spend some time with his mom.

Wait. Something was missing.

She looked at the opposite corner. Was this only wishful thinking? Was it possible that there was... Gabriel Agreste? She approached him quietly, trying not to interrupt Adrien's talk to his mom.

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