01 - That Day

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That day was so eventful! Adrien felt so excited that he couldn't fall asleep at all. By talking about everything that had happened to him today he drove his kwami crazy. Plagg tried to express his boredom by yawning in a very theatrical manner every time Adrien mentioned about the movie he had watched – with his mother as a lead female role.

"It's rather strange that of all things that happened to you today, the film made the biggest impression on you..." Plagg murmured wryly.

"I've wanted to watch that movie for so long!" Adrien replied surprised. "And I finally managed to watch it. And I watched it with my dad, can you believe it? That was really something!"

"Yeah..." Plagg rolled his eyes. "I'd be rather interested in the fact that your jump from let's say the hundredth floor could have been the last thing you've done in your life."

"Ladybug caught me."

"It was quite close she wouldn't manage. You were lucky you were looking down, not up. You didn't see what I saw."

"What did you see?"

"Trapped Ladybug. You should be thankful that Gorizilla released her at the right time."

Adrien frowned. It also bothered him a little. He had been trapped in Gorizilla's fist, so he knew perfectly that it was impossible to escape from his grip. Even with Ladybug's superpowers...

"She has so beautiful eyes..." Adrien sighed, remembering the moment when she had caught him.

"What have I done?!" Plagg moaned. "Now you'll be making those goo-goo eyes?"

"Oh, Plagg... If you could see how she looked at me... You have no idea..."

Plagg looked like he felt sick.

"Cheese... Give me cheese..." he murmured and rolled his eyes at Adrien's dreamy smile.

"I almost blurted out that I'm Cat Noir." Adrien remembered suddenly. "I forgot myself because of her look."

"Haven't you noticed anything strange in it?" Plagg asked, eating his beloved camembert.


"Does Ladybug look at you the same way when you're Cat Noir?" kwami mumbled, more interested in cheese than the conversation. Adrien became sad. No, she never looked at Cat Noir like that.

"You mean she's in love with me?" it dawned upon him.

"What?!" Plagg almost choked with cheese. "I didn't say anything like that!"

"But you're absolutely right!" Adrien jumped up from the bed.

"No, I'm not! Definitely not!"

"She had to had me on her mind when she told me there was another boy. And that would mean that she would never fall in love with me, because she's already in love with me!"

"It's horrible, if this sentence makes sense to you, kid..."

"Plagg, you're genius!"

"What have I done..." kwami muttered, escaping from Adrien's glaring eyes. "Tikki will kill me..."


Adrien woke up in the morning in the same mood in which he had fallen asleep – overwhelmed with euphoria of being mutually in love. He closed his eyes for a moment to finish a wonderful dream he had dreamed just before waking up. The dream in which he hugged Ladybug who was wearing that cute tight pyjamas...

He opened his eyes immediately and flushed. No, no, no! This dream didn't take place! He shook his head to get rid of that picture. No, not Marinette! Not in her pyjamas! In which she looked so attractive, by the way. No, no, no! He didn't think that at all! It's all the brain's fault. It mixed up all things that had happened to him yesterday and made a senseless cocktail!

Adrien jumped out the bed, but the memories of yesterday returned to him with redoubled intensity. All those memories he had ignored yesterday. He saw Marinette in pyjamas. He hugged Marinette in pyjamas. He practically pounced on Marinette in pyjamas. Oh, God... He was lying on her... When she was in pyjamas.

His face burned as he remembered it all. When he looked at his face in the mirror he could notice the face was almost purple. It seemed to start steaming if he washed it. He poured cold water over his face.

How would he look Marinette in the eye today? He leaned against the washbasin and lowered his head. The water was dripping from his hair, which he had accidently wetted a moment ago.

"What's up, kid?" Plagg emerged in the bathroom after eating his morning serving plate of camembert.

"Don't even ask..." Adrien moaned.

"You've realised that Ladybug doesn't love you?" Plagg asked hoping he would manage to fix up what he had messed up yesterday.

"What?" Adrien raised his head and looked at his kwami in astonishment.

"Nothing. I'm only..." Plagg mumbled.

"It's about Marinette." Adrien confessed.

"Marinette? And what's up with Marinette?"

"Well... It seems to me that yesterday... I crossed the line of acceptable behaviour."

"It sounded like a part of a manual for pupils of school for boys a hundred years ago." Plagg winced. "I think it's getting worse with you, kid..."

"It's because..." Adrien hesitated, embarrassed and blushed again. "You won't understand..."

"I'm sure I won't! I'm not going even try!" Plagg flew back to the room leaving Adrien alone with his teenager's problems.

Adrien looked at his face in the mirror again. He would have to face Marinette today. He would have to pretend that nothing special had happened yesterday. Yes. He had to pretend that everything was fine. That he hadn't noticed her pyjama, or that he liked her in her pyjamas.

He moaned again. He didn't like it! Marinette wasn't gorgeous in her pyjamas at all! She was just a friend. And he was only a friend for her. After all... If he was someone more for her, then she would run away to change clothes, wouldn't she?

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