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"wake up bitchhh were going hanging with Queen today" I say vlogging and jumping on Erika an Jakes bed. "Serena stop playing so much!" Jake yells. I jumped in the middle of them. "Wake up Mrs. Costell Queen will be here in an hour." I say. "AN HOUR?!" She jumps up. "Now to go to wake up Chessa" I say running thru the halls.

"TESSA BROOKS WAKE YO UGLY ASS UP!" I yell while jumpin in their bed. "Ha you goofy im up" she says in the bathroom. "Now GET OFF ME!" Chance yells. "AH!" I screamed while falling. "Someone pissed in your cereal this morning" i mumble while getting up. "I HAVENT HAD SOME AND I DONT WANT NONE YET"He yells. "OKAY DAMN" I say walking into the bathroom.I sat the camera down.  "Damn bitch you look good" we both say. We posed and Erika came in. "I heard damn bitch you look good and i had to join." she says fixing herself. We both groaned and walk out the frame. "What?!" She laughs. "Bro you're fucking hot" We both say. "shut up seniors" she says. We both flipped her off.
"Bye mom love you"I say. Tony was downstairs. I looked at him. He looked at me like damn you fine asf. I rolled my eyes "Bye, Queen is out there?" she asked. I showed her the text. "okay love you too" she says We walked out. "Renaaaaa" she sung. "Queennnn" i sung. I hugged her. "how are you?" she asked "Good how are you?" I say. "Good who's your friends?" she asked. "These are my girls. Tessa and Erika"I say. "Hi guys you're so gorgeous both of y'all" she says hugging them. "okay bitch" my childhood best friend says. My mouth dropped "because you are not here" i smiled "i'm here mother fucka" she says. I hugged her. "This is my best friend Octavia" i say. "Hi" They all say. "When did you get out" I say "About a month ago" she says. "no way" i say. "yeah. can we go i'm tired of sitting here" she says. "yeah let's go." Queen says.

"Car full of vloggers damn" I say. putting my camera on the dashboard "Where to Cadet Queen" I say. "breakfast" she says. "Rosie's?" i gasped. "Yeah baby" she says I laughed.

"Chicarones what are you doing here?!" Rosie says. "The last STARS elite dance competition was Wednesday" I say. "No it wasn't oh my god" She says. "Yeah look" I say showing her the video. "Oh my god look at y'all who's that in the back?" she says. I pointed to Tessa. "You're so good" she says "Thank you" I say. "Okay where do y'all wanna sit? At the Bar or in a booth?" she says. "Booth!" we all say. "Alright" she says.

"So when do you leave?" Tavia asked. "Tuesday" I say. "Yes!" she says. I looked at her. "No no i'm not trying to drag you to a party" she says. "Stop" Queen says. "yes y'all are" i say. "okay fine it's Kens" She says. "Kickback Kens?" she says. "Yuh it's his last one because we're all graduating" she says. "true" i say. "Re come please? Bring your LA friends and show them how you party" She says. i looked at her. "i mean we party" She says correcting herself. I looked at them. "I'm down" Tessa says. "Ric?" We both say. "Okay i'm down" she says. "Yes it's hella fun" Tavia says. I shook my head. "what? you know lowkey you ready party" Tavia says. I laughed. "whatever" i say eating.

"So Rena i wanna take you somewhere i been dying to take you somewhere. Tessa please put this on her" Queen saying pulling out a bandanna. "Bro last time i got blindfolded by you i got pushed into a lake" i say. Everyone laughed. "I promise it's nothing like that. i promise on Rita Ora's life" She says. I put the camera close to my face. "Rita i love you. but you're gonna die" I say. "On the camera is not even on. Two it wasn't even facing you" Tavia says grabbing it. "Oh. Rita i love you but you're gonna die" i say. "RENA YOURE HEAD IS SO FUCKING BIG I CANT EVEN TIE THIS" Tessa yells. I burst out laughing. "I knew this would happen. Well Ric and tessa just cover her face please" Queen says. We were walking and Tessa and Ric made me run into the door. "Ow!" I scream. "My bad" They say laughing. "Fuck you" I say with a straight face.

"So i brought you somewhere, i wanna do something with you, and two other people" Queen says. "You're fucking scaring me" I say. "Why?" A deep voice says. "No, shut the fuck up" I say opening my eyes. "Brooo" I smile. "How are you?" Ar'mon says  hugging me. "I'm doing good, how are you guys"  i say hugging him. "We're good, hows LA treating you?" Trey says giving me a long. "It's been good" I say smiling. Queen was looking at me and I got butterflies in my stomach and i bent down hiding my face.  "She's so bubbly!" Tessa says. I laughed. "Oh my god she's cheesing like a bitch" Erika says. I covered my face. "Stop" I say trying to make a straight face. "Why are we here though" I ask. "We wanna make a song with you" Trey says. My mouth dropped. "Yo, you're joking" I say. "No, were not" Queen says. "Yo, I'm down" I say standing up. "Bet" Armon and Trey says. "I'll be back" I say walking to the bathroom with Tessa and Erika. "Yo, i like Trey" I say "Yeah we know shit head" Tessa says. I looked at her. "Aye shut up" I say. "Do you still have feelings for Anthony?" Erika says. "I don't know" I say. "Just think about it before you get yourself into something you don't wanna do" Rik says. "Alright" I say walking out the bathroom.


"Hey girls, how was today?" My mom says sitting on the couch. "It was good, did you know Octavias home?" I say sitting down. "No i did not" She says. "Yeah, she looks good." I say leaning on Chad. "Well she ain't good" My mom mumbles. "Yeah i know" I say. "You heard that?" She says looking at me. "Yeah sis and i can hear Jake and Chance talking about who can flick their boogers the farthest" I say not looking at them. "We..are...not.." they say embarrassed. I laughed an walked upstairs. Tony cam out the room. "Hey can we talk?" He says. "I don't really want too but sure" I say walking into the room. 

We sat on the bed and i just looked at him. "You gone say something?" I say looking at him. "I don't know where to start" He says. I looked at him bored. "Alright, I'm gonna start then. What was so much better that they have that I didn't?" I ask. "Nothing Rena, i was just caught up" He says. "Caught up in what? Im always with you so you wouldn't have to do this, I gave you space so you can live your life. Don't get me wrong I like my space and I know you like yours. I know when people do like to be around a person for so long. Is that what you felt like?" I say. "No, I really have no reason why i did it. I'm sorry I know you're probably pissed as shit at me to give me another chance." He says. "I honestly have nothing to say because Ive been hurt so many times. And Im just speechless at this point to even yell at you" I say on the verge of crying. "I'm sorry i don't know how to express this enough. I love you so much to ever watch you leave me. You have really made an impact on my life. It may not seem like it but I really work and think on how to please you everyday. I call my sister and my mom everyday asking, what do i do, or what I do now, I don't wanna loose her over one stupid BIG mistake" He says. "I don't know Tony, I just have to think" I say getting up. "I understand that. I love you" He says hugging me. "Yeah" I say hugging him back and walked out the room.

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