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@serenasalvaaa:  danger is my middle name, so don't come for meee

@chadtepper: ooooo me likey your phone casey.

@imanthonytruj:  damn baby lookin fine asff

@tessabrooks: whata snack

@erikacostell: look at youuu 

@alissaviolet: dms?

I opened my dms and a girl named Alissa Dm'd me. 

@Alissaviolet: Hey your so pretty and I was wondering if you wanted to do a photo shoot with me?

i scrolled threw her account. damn shes pretty.

Me: hey thank you so are you. I would love to but im in Punta Cana 

@alissaviolet: okay when you get back to LA could we shoot.

Me: yeah totally. 

@alissaviolet: great!

 i locked my phone and rubbed my face. "it's hot like satans asshole" i say pulling my suit off of my body. "Shut up haha" Tara says. "what to do todays boys" I say walking into the living room. "beach, in the clear waters of punta cana" Adam says.


"Should we tell her about Alissa?" Tessa says. "Yeah like she kinda messed up Team 10" Erika says. "tell her" Chance says. "But dont tell Jake" he adds on. "dont tell Jake what" Jake says coming in. "that Alissa and Serena are talking" Tessa says. "Yooo, noo why?" his mouth dropped. "Serena posted a new instagram photo" I say. "I know she looks good" he laughs. I looked at him. "I'm kidding bro, but yeah what about her photo?" he says. "Alissa said dms?" Erika says. "Okay? you act like Serena reads her comments" he says. "Its on messy monday" Tessa laughs. "what does it say." i say "old team ten member meets new team ten member."  she reads "yoo" i say taking her phone and reads it over myself. "Not gonna lie my baby looks good." I say admiring her. Tessa and Erika looked at me. "What? Stop" I laughed. "we should prank her, as in we we mean you" Jake says. "when we get back to LA of course" he laughs "Okay fine" I shake my head. My phone vibrated. I looked at my phone


I started to watch her video.

"yo whats up this is my first vlog and we're in the DRRR" her friend and she sings. She so freaking cute.


"Did you post it?" Tara asked. "ye ye" I say locking my phone. "Okay lets go beachin baby" She pulls me up. We walked out to our backyard. 

"Boat?" Adam says. I looked my mouth dropped. "holy shit" I laugh. "how" We all say. "Our families." he says. "Damn don't mind if I do." I say getting on. "Theoooo" I smile. "I got you sister" he says taking my phone. I took my shorts off and shoe's. He took some photos by myself and then with Tara and Avery. "Thanks Theo" I laughed.

 "Adam do you know how to drive a boat?" I say putting on my sun glasses. "Nope" he says starting the engine. "Oh god" I groaned. "I mean how hard could it beeee" he says. We all fell and I hit my head pretty hard. I looked up and he's gonna hit another boat. "ADAM!" I screamed while grabbing the wheel. "Yeah, Boat's is a No" I say turning it around. "Bro you almost killed us" Duncan says pushing him. "Boys no" I say. "Yeah? sorry im trying to have fun unlike you staring at Serena's ass" he says pushing him. "Stop!" I push both off them away from each other.


 "You two figure it out while us four go get lunch" I say putting on my shorts and walking out the house. I inhaled and exhaled hard. "what's wrong?" Tara asked. "Nothing" I shake my head. "alright" she says "You really think that Duncan stares at my butt?" I say. "I mean we all look at your butt. Its a pretty big butt Rena" Avery says "Ughh, thats the one thing I hate" I say. "Why?" Tara asked. "i don't know, i hate my butt and chest" I say. "Don't honey theyre perfect" Avery says. I shrugged. "ill be back" I say getting up.

babyyy-boy: hey baby

me: hey.

babyyy-boy: whats wrong

me: i miss you.

babyyy-boy: you wanna come to vegas, want me to get you a ticket?

me: no, baby im fine

babyyy-boy: then what the fuck is up, it looks like your about to cry.

me: I wanna wear bathing suits butt I don't want everyone to look at my butt.

babyyy-boy: guys ill be right back, baby it's okay you got a booty an you show it off, just remember who it belongs to, who does it belong to?

me: you.

babyyy-boy: who does it belong to?

me: you.

babyyy-boy: who is you? there's a lot of you. Who does it belong too.

me: Anthony Trujillo

babyyy-boy: that's right baby, now enjoy your trip.

me: okay,i love you.

babyyy-boy: i love you too.

He hung up and I walked back to the table. "you good" Avery asked. "I'm just perfect" I say looking at the water.

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