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"Now boys I have to shoot a video in like thirty minutes. I got things planned. So let's do this quick" I say with a smirk on my face and my gun cocked in my hand.

"Better not, SERENA!" Alonso yells. Bang shot the head leader of the MC's. I ducked and kept shooting. "What is your problem you just thought a free shoot like your at the gun range was your plan.?!" He yells. "It sure in the hell worked." Juice says kissing me. I smirked. "Well I don't know about you but I have a video to film so bye see y'all at home" I say walking to juices bike.

"Thanks Juice" I say hugging him. "Anything you you guys" he says kissing my cheek. "Bye" I say hugging him one more time.

"What's poppin youtube, I'm Serena Salvador and I'm here to start a new family with you guys." I start. "Let me tell you a little more about me." "I'm a senior in high school, I'm seventeen I have a new puppy named Stella. Uhhh I have two sisters and two brothers. I'm not the middle child. I'm like the second to last child" "Oh on this channel they'll be vlogs, challenges, tags, covers. And tutorials almost anything and everything. You guys want it. I'll give it." "I'm gonna need a name for you guys. Leave s suggestion down below and the winner will get a shout out and yeah bye guys" I smile and covered the camera. I turned around. "For first time YouTuber you did good" Erika says. I smiled. "So you ready for this vlog and editing life" Nick says. "Do what I do. I do every other day" Tessa says I put my hand out and did that hand finger thing but me Erika and Tessa do our nails like that and laughed. "I can't deal with you guys" Nick says. "Nick you love us" we all say. "I don't" he says. We all looked at him. "You love us" I say

"Hey babe" Anthony says walking into the office "What's that on your neck?" He asked "What?" I say rubbing it Fuck please tell me it's not blood. I got up and went to the bathroom. I looked in the mirror. It's. Fucking. Blood. Oh my god I grabbed some paper towel and scrubbed it off. "Anthony's in his room with Stella" Kade says. "Thanks Kade" I say grabbing my phone and walking upstairs. I opened his door and laid in the bed with him. "You seriously aren't going to Vegas with us?" He asked. "I'm not I actually have to go to the doctors for my shots for the DR" I say. "Can I come" he asked "yeah" I say holding his hand. My mom texted me.

Ma🌹👑👒: let's go
Me: coming.

"Let's go buddy" I say grabbing Stella. "We'll be back" I say when I reached downstairs. "Where are you guys going?" Tessa asked. "Doctors for my shots" I say "oh okay" she says. We walked out. "Serena Anthony can we get a picture with you" a group of girls yelled. "Sure" we both yelled I stood in the middle making funny faces and then seriousness. "thank you" they yelled. "you're welcome" we say getting in my moms car. "Oh Anthony when we get back I got show you what I edited." I say. "You edited your first YouTube video babe?" He says I nodded. "I'm proud" he says fist pounding me. That our couple thing I guess that's what we do. "You guys are cute" Luna says. "Why are you here?" I asked. "Because the doctors is fun with you" she says. I laughed. "It is." I say. "Do not or we'll not pay for the DR" my mom says. "Okay fine" I lie.

"The Salvadors are here" Roxy says. "Hi Roxy how are you" I say sarcastically. "Hi Serena" she says she's annoyed with me already. I laughed. "Roxy!" Luna yells which scared her. I burst out laughing. Mom pinched us. "Ow fuck all I did was say hi" I laughed rubbing my arm. "Can I bring my dog in here?" I asked. "You have a dog?" She asked "yeah, can I?" I asked. "Sure" she says. Anthony went to go grab her and sat next to me. "Serena come on" Doctor Trex says. "Hey Trina" I say "hi Serena" she says with no emotion. "You're going out the country I hear" she says "yeah" I say. "Okay go pee in a cup and then you know the drill" she says handing me a cup. I walked to the bathroom and peed in a cup and put it in the cupboard.

"Step on the scale" I stepped on. "Turn around so I check your height" she says. "Okay room three" she says I walked in to my room. "Luna they hate us" I say closing the door. She looked up and laughed. "I know Angry was like stop walking so hard like what?" She says. "Man why does Angry gotta be so Angry" I say sitting on the bed thing. "Leave Avery alone" mom says. "Alright Serena you'll be getting four shots on each arm and you'll be ready to go" she says. "So eight?" I say "yeah" she says. Luna got up. "No" I say. "Okay then you get sick over there" she says. "Serena!" My mom yells. I rolled my eyes. "Fuck, fine" I say putting my phone down. I took my jersey off and my doctor just went right in with the damn needle. "okay your done" the doctor says. I got up and put my jersey and walked out. "Bye Serena" Roxy says. I flipped her off. I stood by the car. Anthony came out with Luna and mom. He smiled at me. "Shut up" I say opening the door. He got in and put his arm around me. 

"Whoa happen to you?" Erika asked "Shots for Punta Cana" I smile. "Damn that many" she asked looking at my arm. "Yeah, i know right" I say. "Yo she's wild at the doctors" Anthony says rubbing Stella. "What happen" she asked. "Her and her sister Luna were picking with the nurses' and doctor" Anthony laughs. "Oh wow"she laughs. "Babe let me show you my video" I say pulling him into the office. We sat in a chair. He put in one ear bud and I did. Anthony was watching my video and playing with my leg. I started laughing.  "OKAY YOU TWO CAN YOU STOP FLIRTING" Jake yells. I flipped him off. "Hey get this for the vlog. This aint no joke" Anthony says an grabbed my face an kissed me.  Which turned into a make out session. "OKAY!" he yells. We both laughed. "Thats my girl" he says taking out the earbud. "Is it really?" I say. "Yeah" he says. "Post it" he says. I logged in to youtube and posted the video we it said it'll post in 20 minutes. 

"Yo my girl just posted her first youtube video, what do you have to say babe" he faces the camera towards me. "I don't know excited and nervous" I say looking up from my phone. "Yo babe?" he says. "yeah?" i say looking up. "your beautiful" he says. "Thank you i know, no kidding but thank you " I say laying across  him. "Yo bro we gotta pack for vegas boyyy"  Chance says walking in. "Are you going?"he asked me. "No,I'm going to the DR." i say. "You just left the DR." He says. Chance and I laughed. "The Dominican Republic bro" Chance says. "ohhh, No" he says. "No?" I say. "Im gonna miss you" he says hugging me. "Oh my god" Chance yells walking out. We  laughed, "Are you forreal about the DR" He asked "Yeah, its only a week." I say sitting up. "Thats so long, I left for like two days an I missed you" he says rubbing my face. "aww" I say playing with his hands. "And in this room, we have a Seranthony in the bed making love" Jake says. "oh my god" I laughed. "Yeah, check back in three months when you see that bump" he says rubbing my belly. "No stop!" I laughed. "Ohio!" Jake says. "Ohio!" Anthony yells. "Wait for it!" Jake says. "OHIO!" Chance yells running upstairs. "OHIO!" They all start yell. "Oh. My. God" I say getting up and going into Tessa's room. "Yo you wanna go to the gym?" I say standing at the end of her bed. "Yeah, i was legit about to text you and ask you" She says and her text came. I laughed "I need a pair of shorts and shirts. You know what I'm just gonna change into something" I say going into her closet. "Okay" she laughs. I changed and walked out. "lets do that thangggg" i say putting my arms up. "Wait stay like that" she says taking a picture. I stood there. "Okay lets go" she says getting up. "Y'all ready?" Erika ask. "yeah was that into the girls girls girls gc" I say looking at my phone. "Yeah" Erika says. "alright lets goo" Tessa says. We walked out and so did the trio. "Where y'all going?" Jake asked. "Nowhere" we all lied. "okay, Tessa where are you guys going" Chance says. "Nowhere" she says. I laughed. "Serena?" Anthony says. "Nowhere" i laughed. "okay" they say. "Okay... bye" I say walking away. 

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