f i f t h t e e n

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I woke up in Anthony's bed. "Hey" I say shaking him. "What's up babe?" he says pulling me down. "I have to go" I laughed. "Where baby?" i say. "To Michigan remember ?" I say. "Nooo...." he says rolling on me. "Baby i have too" I muffled into his chest. "I'll ride to the airport with you" He says getting off me. "fine" i say

We both walked out the room and everyone was by the door. "What are you guys doing?" I laughed. "We're going to Michigan!!" They all yelled. I jumped and covered my ears. "Oh god, let's go" I say walking in between them

"Serena i told you to get here at 5:45" she yells. I looked at my phone. Then looked at her. I took a deep breath. "ITS FIVE FORTY SEVEN" I say. "Get in the car" she says. "Suitcase?" i say. "Car" Luna says. I gave her a thumbs up.


"Do the intro with me." Jake says. "Alright" I say letting go of a sleepy Anthony.

"GOOOODMORNING JAKE PAULERS" We both day running into the frame. "Welcome to the most lit youtube channel" he says. "I'm Jake Paul" he says. "I'm Serena Salvador" i say "And this is the team ten hou..." he says. "Jake were not in the team ten house" i say covering my mouth. "Oh. Then where are we?" he says. "We're in the airport, going to" he covered my mouth. "Jake Paulers we're going somewhere for Serena because she's a multitasker from another different rappers" he says. "What?" i say looking confused. "Nothing" he say pushing me away. I walked back over to Anthony and wrapped his arms around me. "you smell really good" He says sniffing me I laughed   "Youre hair smells good" i say playing in it. "And Seranthony are over here being weird" Jake says. "What my girl smells good" He says putting his head in between my chest. I put my head on his. "hashtag cute" Jake yells.


"SERENA!" Kehlani says. I smiled. "Kel!" I screamed and hugged her. "Are you ready for this?" she says. "You know i am" I say doing our handshake.


"Look who's back" Kehlani says opening the door. Gia, Victoria, Chloe, Alexis screamed and group hugged me. "Oh my god so much screaming!!" Jake yells. "I like it" He says. I shook my head. "Welcome back" Coach Kelly says hugging me. "it's good to be back" i smile. "No fucking way" A mom yells. It's Christy. I turned and waved. She came in. "what the hell are you doing back?" she says. I put my arm around Gia and Alexis. "I'm back for my team. the last dance" I smirk. "what you gone do boo?" i say getting in her face. "watch your back" she says. "ooo i'm so scared" I say. I turned around and my reflexes kicked in "FUCKING JAKE" I yell. "What the hell Rena" he says touching his lip. "Don't fucking do that" I say.

"Okay and we're back i got knocked out by Serena Salvador" he says. I walked passed the camera "hey don't say my full name, i have people gunning for me" I joke. "Oh fuck blur her out" he says covering my face with his hand. I laughed

"So how's LA?" Kel asked. "It's alright i mean i've met some goofy ass friends, an awesome boyfriend, and i'm going to a fair good school, but it's rough because i know my way around michigan and not LA" I say sitting down in the team circle. She nodded. "You're friend over there the one who's hair is in a bun, does she dance?" Kehlani asked. "Who T? yeah" i say. "I was about to say i've seen her on your instagram a couple times." Gia says. "Yeah that's my girl watch" I say laughing. "CAN I GET A WOO" I yell. she dropped whatever conversation she said. "WOO" she says. "CAN I GET A WOO WOO" i say. "WOO WOO" she says. "CAN I GET A WOO WOO WOO" i say now cracking up she had to take a deep breath. "WOO WOO WOO" she says. "NOW STOP ON THE DEVIL FO MEH" I say stomping. She did the same. I burst out laughing. "Love ya girl" we both say pointing to each other. "See?" I say turning towards them. They laughed. "that was cute" she says showing me the video. it was titled

' when you're looking for youre bestfriend'

I laughed. "Send that to me that's going on my funsta" i say sitting down. "Girls" Coach says. We all got up. "You're gonna love me" she says smiling. "We already do? but okay what?" I say. "So you guys remember when you guys were kids that you wanted to dance in heels and a chair?" she says. "Yeah?" we all say. She was smiling and moving side to side. "No..."we all say. "yes and you're outfits are super cute and you guys are gonna look like the girls who I coached for..." she says. "seventeen years." i help her out. "seventeen years." she says. I love Coach Kelly she's like a second mom to me. We all laughed. "Now go home and get rest and be prepared to be here all day." she says. "Love you girls" She says putting her hand in. "Love you too" We all say putting our hands in. "S.T.A.R. EEEELITEEE, HUH" we chant. "alright bye girls" she says. I walked out the room and Tony had my stuff. "Aww thanks babe" I say hugging him. "Anytime" he smiles. "Where too now?" Tessa says. "Um, let's go see what papouli cooked" I say "what?" Chance asked. I laughed. "Pap. ouli?" I say. "What is a papouli?" he says.

"Papouli!!" I yell. "Ahh my little girl" he says trying to get up out of his chair. "How are you? How's the uh LA you live in eh?" he asked. "Great, This Tony, Tessa, Chance Jake Erica Kade and Nathan" I introduced them. "Eh, nice to meet you all, you can call me Papouli i don't like grandpa" he says. "what does papouli mean?" Chance asked. "Grandpa in Greek" papouli says. "idiot" Tony says. "you guys should stay here instead of little hotel room down the street" he says. "I planned on it" I smiled. "Alright go show them the extra rooms" he says shooing me off. I ran like free willy in Papoulis house. It's super huge with like i don't know 20 bedrooms and 15 bathrooms i'm telling you it's huge. "Okay so Papouli calls this hall the teen hall because most of my friends or teams sleep in this hall so go crazy and pick a room. Tony grabbed me and pulled me into a room. and threw us onto the bed "You're such a good dancer you know that?" he says "Yes i do my love" I say.


"Alright we're coming in, if you're naked wrap up in a blanket in three. two. one." Jake and Chance says. "What's up?" Anthony says. "Lets go get something to eat" Jake says. "Yeah i'm starving" Chance says. "why didn't you go while i was at practice?" I say. "Because we have no clues where we are" he says. "Yeah dingus that's what maps is for." I say rubbing Tony's stomach. "Ohh... i forgot about that." he says. "Ohhh" I mocked him. "Or get an uber" A half asleep Tony says. Chance snapped his fingers. "Yeah" he says. "So you guys are staying here?" Jake asked. "Yeah, I wanna spend time with Rena by ourselves" Tony says rubbing my back. "Alright, peace" they say closing the door. I looked at him. "What baby?" he says interlocking our fingers. "Nothing, babe" I say. "it's something" He says rubbing my thumb. "No" I say. "Babyyyy, tell me" he says. "It's literally nothing babe i'm telling you" I say sitting up. He looked at me. "I'm not a dummy Rena when it comes to you" He says putting his hand around my neck. "yeah i know that but i'm telling the truthhh" I smile. He kissed me "i'll get it out sooner or later." he says kissing me again. He kept kissing me. "Tony stop" I laughed. "Nope" he says kissing me. He laid back down and pulled me towards him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and his face was on the crook of my neck. He started to kiss me on my neck and then started to make hickies  "I would fuck you right now nothin bed but you have a competition" he says. I laughed. "God i love you"  i smile. I kissed him. "i love you too" he says wrapping his legs around me.

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