Castiel shrugs. "I can sleep when you're gone."

"Well, I'm certainly not going to complain."

Castiel takes his hand, their fingers interlaced, as they walk out to the kitchen together. Castiel sits down at the counter, watching in silence as Dean starts his coffee, then begins making breakfast.

"So, you're going to California tomorrow, right?" Dean says.

Castiel props his head up on his hand. "Yep."

"And you're all ready?" Dean asks. "Everything packed? Hotel booked? Whole nine yards?"

Castiel shakes his head at the boy. "Dean, you know I love you, but I'm perfectly capable of going to California without your help."

"I know, I know," Dean says. "But for my sanity, I still want to make sure that everything's ready."

"Well, yes, I'm ready," Castiel assures him. "I'm gonna get there with no problem, and I'm gonna survive over there with no problem, and then I'm gonna come home with no problem after a week. It'll be like I was never gone."

"Okay, good."

And awkward silence.

"Jack Kline's new song came out at midnight, by the way," Dean tells him.

"That was this week?" He should probably check that out. "Good to know."

"I'm just thinking, you should probably listen to it before you go see him," Dean says.

"Yeah, probably," Castiel agrees. "Actually, can I see your phone?"

"Why don't you use your phone?" Dean asks.

"Because yours already has the Twitter app, so I just have to sign in and sign out," Castiel explains.

"Why are you going on Twitter?" Dean asks, seeming more skeptical of giving away his phone than before.

"Because I haven't done anything on Twitter since June, so if I like a tweet from Jack about his new single, my fans are going to freak out because it means I'm alive and they'll hopefully check it out," Castiel explains.

"So you're basically trying to hand your fans over to Jack," Dean surmises.

"I'm trying to share my fans with Jack — at least until people know his name," Castiel corrects him. Although if he could just hand him his entire career, he would totally do that.

Dean hesitates, then says, "My phone's on my nightstand."

"You're the best."

Castiel heads back to their bedroom just long enough to grab Dean's phone, only to realize he doesn't know Dean's passcode. He gives it to his fiancé.


Dean quickly types in his password and hands the phone back. "Knock yourself out."

Twitter's on the home screen now, no longer tucked away in a folder full of other apps, which makes Castiel's life a lot easier. He adds his account to the app and immediately searches Jack's name. Sure enough, the first tweet that shows up is his announcement that the song's out, with a link to the video on YouTube. Castiel just leaves a like and returns to his Twitter feed, but before he logs out, he notices the most recent tweet is from Lucifer, and he never wants to pass up a chance to read Lucifer's tweets.

"I just put a paper sailors hat on my guinea pig and he immediately knocked it off his head and I've never been so offended."

Castiel shakes his head in amusement. It's good to see that he's still a dork.


"Welp, I gotta go," Dean says finally.

"That time already?" Castiel asks, disappointed.

"Unfortunately so." Dean walks over to Castiel's seat at the counter and leans down to give him a kiss. "I'll see you in a few hours."

"Have fun," Castiel says. "Don't die."

"No promises." Dean ruffles Castiel's hair playfully. "Love you, Cas."

"Love you, too."

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