24: A Patch

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I sit down on the floor with my back against the couch watching the two soldiers. They kind of look peaceful in their sleeping state without their helmets on instead of scary demonic killer shadows.

Lukas left to go track down Carlo, and James had gone off to mess up some more soldiers.

He had even put his soulless helmet back on.

I am sitting here because Lukas wouldn't let me go.

James even commented on my inexperience in the fighting department as well, but whatever.

So, here I sit holding one of their bio-lock weapons trying to pry off the fingerprint scanner.

I can't directly put a finger on there, else it would probably alert someone at the Nation base and then we'd be back to square one.

I am about to nod off when I hear a loud thump in the hallway, and jump up from my position.

I lift the weapon, knowing it won't do much of anything, but at least it may scare whomever it is. I wince as the handle presses against my wrapped wound.

Because of the darkness it'd be hard to identify what kind of weapon this is. I crouch a little bit and press my back up against the wall right next to the opening and peer out into the hallway.

I hear what sounds like footfalls and slowly look through the weapon's scope. It's just the same as the way I can see, so I spin the tiny dial right beside it.

The first thing it switches to makes a grin grow on my face.

Night vision.

I settle into the wall and watch patiently. I hear one more thud until the cause finally comes into view. A young woman comes into view. She looks to be about 22, maybe 23.

Only a year or two older than me.

Her tangled hair is knotted together in a bun that's fallen out, and blood is flowing from her nose. She's wearing a gray shirt that's up to the neck and what looks like mauled dress pants.

No shoes.

Oh, hell. What's this?

Right as she steps in front of the archway, I walk out silently and push the cold metal against her throat.

She tenses up, and slowly raises her hands.

"Who are you?" I demand.

"That's not protocol," she whispers.

"What? Protocol?"

"You- you aren't Nation," she whispers again, her voice hoarse.

"No. Never."

"I'm with the Revolution," she says again and reaches inside a little pocket on the front of her button-up. I press the barrel a little more against her neck.

"Slowly," I whisper.

Nodding, she pulls out a small cloth object that she presses into my free hand.

I raise it close to the scope and furrow my brow in confusion. I look at it closely. It seems to be a patch with a golden "R" with three bars.

Under it, a small line of words is sewed in by hand:

"A man may be immortal, but the same cannot be said for a Revolution."

I look back at her and she nods.

"See? Revolution. Just like you."

I narrow my eyes, but nod and allow her to believe I am a part of her Revolution.

I reluctantly pull the gun down and and quickly walk into the room again. I hear her limping footsteps follow and I sit down on a couch. She shuffles around until she finds it, and takes a seat.

"What happened to you?"

"I had just arrived here to meet with Monty Carlzon. He said that he had some very urgent news. Earlier that day we had gotten reports of his bots being damaged and... Killed, but he said it was under control."

"Later, however, he contacted us and claimed that he had found a... peculiarly important agent of ours. So, I was about to arrive here when my Floater was sabotaged by Nation weapons. I managed to escape before the damage was too severe, but I got all the way here to discover the remains of what looks like a miniature war zone between bots and the infected. I came in, and informed Monty of the incoming threat. That was after dark... So it was only a short amount of time before they arrived. My current look is how I fare when I'm attacked by three Nation soldiers alone," she finally finished taking in a gasp of air.

I nod d to her. Only a few moments afterwards, I hear something sliding along the floor and shuffling behind us.

I turn and push myself over the couch and aim the weapon at the two soldiers.

One of them even tries to laugh through the chord in his mouth. They know that I cannot operate the weapon.

I think for only a moment before I swing the weapon and hold it by the muzzle like I am about to play a game of Gravity... With their heads.

Their eyes grow slightly wider, and the one on the left's nose gets all scrunched up like he was holding in tears.

I shake my head at these "fearless" soldiers as the Revolution fighter comes to stand beside me.

We stand there watching these backstabbing Nation soldiers and await James and Lukas so that they can bring me to turn the power on.

I do not tell the woman the plan, however.

She's Revolution, but I'm not sure if I can trust her.

> I'm sorry, Revolution?

> Did she show her badge?

> What was the quote? And what does she look like?

Well, hi! What did you do, turn off my thoughts?

> No, I just wasn't focusing on them because I was swarmed by Nation soldiers.

Mhm. So you can turn it off.

> What? The mind-reading? No, I cannot.

Sure. Why does that stuff matter?

> Because it does. Tell me.

She's got dark ringlets of hair and she has ALOT of freckles, from what I could see in my night vision.

> Hmm.

What does that mean?

> Found Monty. I'll be back soon.

I huff in both agitation and relief and grip my weapon tighter. Right after, a bout of pain springs through my hand like a giddy Victim that just smelled blood.


I know, you all are like: "Well, that was boring. Who is that woman?"
Welllllll I'll answer your questions soon and I promise the next chapters to be action packed dear readers!
THANKS!! ♥️♥️

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