Fight /Kate/

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Hey guys! I wrote this chapter again because the first version of this is disappear. Maybe I will write a fight with Rick but of course it will be a diffrent story. Hope you guys like it!

-Morning, babe. - Castle smiled at his wife. - Morning. - she smiled back at her husband, she loved when he woke her up instead of her phone. - What? - she asked because he didn't get his eyes of off her. - You are so beautiful. - he smiled at her while she just rolled her eyes. - Stop it. - she sat up and without any warning his lips met with hers. It was short and she wanted more, more of him, so when he pulled away she put her hands onto his neck and pulled him back. Her fingers was tangled into his soft hair while his hands went up and down on her waist. He smiled into the kiss while he climbed over her. - Mommy. - their two years old baby girl was toddle into their room, while Castle was climbed of off his wife. - Hey, baby girl! Come here. - she reached her hands towards the little girl. Charlotte Johanna Castle was in her mother's arms and Beckett leaned to Castle's chest while put an arm around them. - Mommy, 'm hungry. - she said to her parents with her sleepy head - Of course you are. Just like your mommy, hungry like all the time. - he said while he got out from the bed. - Shut up - his wife hit his arm while he went to the kitchen to make his daughter favorite, chocolate milk.When it was hot enough he poured it into her nursing bottle and went back to the girls. - Look sweetie, daddy made you your favorite. - Kate gave a small kiss onto her daughter's cheek and gave her the bottle. She started to rock her when her phone started to ringing. She immediately picked it up so Castle took Charlotte out of her mom arms. He went to the living room when he heard that she answer her phone " Captain Beckett". She got a case. Again. He was sick of it. Every morning she wake up at six or seven and she goes to a meeting or she got a case or she have a lot of paper work to do. What was bothering him the most that was the fact that their daughter was missing her mommy so badly. - I have to go. - she came out from the room with her make up on and dressed up. How could she do it when she just picked up the phone?! - I see that. - he mumbled when he put his daughter down to her bed to sleep. - What? - she leaned to the jamb. - You are a workaholic. Every morning you get up at 6 or 7 and you go to a meeting or you got a case or you have a lot of paper work. I barely even see you! Charlotte is missing you, badly! She used to cry because she want her mommy. And it's not just her. I miss you Kate. It's like you don't even live here. Every morning when Charlotte wake's up she come into our room and her first word is mommy. But you are usually not there. - he said and tried to calm down to the end. - This is my job, Rick. Catching killers, being a captain, solve murders, this is what I worked so hard. And you don't think that I'm not missing you or my baby girl? Of course I do! But that was my dream, to be a captain! - she was hurt. He's right she's working a lot but she's trying to not. - I thought your dream was too to start a family together, to have kids. - he was hurt too. He just wanted his wife to be there for him, for their daughter. He want his life back, hell he want his wife back!! - Yes, but  solve the harmony between my family and my work is not that easy, but I'm trying. But that is not helping that you think I'm a bad mom, but thanks. - she had tears in her eyes while she stormed out of the loft. - It's not what I mean. - but she didn't heard it. He didn't want to hurt her, she's an amazing mom. After a few minutes the door opened again and his older daughter was coming in. - Hey dad. - she greeted him with a hug but she could see there was something wrong. - Hey, missed you pumpkin.- he kissed her cheek. - I missed you too. - she could see that there was something wrong. - Is there something you want to tell me? - she asked while she put her bag down onto the sofa. - Can you watch over to Charlotte? I have to talk with Kate. - he said. He have to talk to his wife, they needed to clear this messed up thing. - Sure, just dress up. - she said while she went to check on her sister. - Yeah, right. - he went to dress up and then he went after his wife. At the corner of the Madison Avenue and the East 60th Street he found nobody. He knew that there have to be CSU car, ME car and her friends cars. He kept looking til he found his wife lying on the ground and bleeding. - Kate! - he yelled while he started running towards her. - Kate, I'm here, stay with me! Stay with me, okay? Open your eyes please! - he talked to her while he put her head onto his lap and put his hand over the wound. - Rick - she groaned and opened her eyes. - I'm here, I'm here, the ambulance is on her way. You will be fine. - he talked to her non-stop, he tried to keep her awake - I love you. - he kissed her temple while she was searching after her husband free hand. He hold her hand and after a few the ambulance arrived, and Castle gave his lover to the paramedics. He hopped into the ambulance and they went to the hospital. When they got there the doctors immediately ran to the operating room. - Excuse me, can I help you? - one of the nurses asked him. - My wife is in the O.R. I'm just waiting for her to get out. - he said. - You can stay in the waiting room, take a seat and maybe eat something. You want me to call somebody? - she kept asking while she walked Castle to the mentioned place because she didn't let him wait in front of the O.R. - No, thanks. I'll just call them. - he said after he sat down. He called the boys and Lanie then his mother and her father. Martha went to the loft to help Alexis with his baby girl why his friends was on their way. His father-in-law didn't pick up the phone so he left a message. - Castle! - he heard his friends voice from the hallway. - What happened? - Ryan asked first. -I don't know.  We woke up and Charlotte came into our room. Kate started to rock her while I went to make her some chocolate milk. I gave it to her and then her phone started to ring and she answered immediately. I took over Charlotte and I went out to the living room with her. She told me she had to go and then I told her that she's always working and I barely even see her, that her daughter miss her mommy and she used to cry after her. And I told her that I miss her. Guys the last few months was like we not even married. At the end when I finished my monologue, she understood it like I told that she's a bad mom. - he put his face into his palms. He was crying. He can't lose her wife like that, he can't lose her like no way! - Try to keep calm, she will be fine, she's strong.  - Lanie sat down beside him, tried to keep him calm. - Come on Ryan let's catch that son of a bitch who did that! - with that the boys left. - She was crying, Lanie, and because of me. Because she thinks that I think that she's a bad mom. But she's not! She's amazing, Charlotte can't ask a better mom because she's the best ! Alexis act like she's her mom too. Because that's right, she care about her more like her own mother. And she was hurted by me. Not anyone else, but me. If somebody hurt her I used to hugged her and we talk about it and now I'm the one who hurted her. I know you always want to smack the one who hurt her so go on, do it. - he couldn't stop crying. He hated his self for hurting his lover. - She know you love her freaking much! And she know that you didn't think things like that about her. And I'm not gonna smack ya. You are her husband for God's sake! She loves you Castle, you two just need some time together. So, you want me to stay, or I can go to watch over that cutie pie. - she asked. - What if she don't want to talk to me when she wake up? - he was full of fears, and he was mad at his self. - Castle, stop it! She love you and she's first word will be your name because you will be the one who want to see. - with that the latina started to go to the loft. - Lanie! - she heard Castle's voice from the distance and turned back. When she saw that the doctor was in front if him she ran back immediately. - So, Mrs. Castle is out of the surgery, she's stabil know. We took out the bullet I will give it to you if you will need it to the inquest. - she said while she walked them to Kate's room. - Yes, we will need it, but she'll be fine right? - he asked when they stopped in front of the door. - Yes, she will be perfectly fine, but the next 24 hour is critic, because her heart stopped two times. Her heart didn't as strong as it was before the shot. She will wake up soon, but please be careful, she need a lot of rest. - the doctor went to do her job. Castle put his hand on to the doorknob but he stopped. He hesitated. - Go! - Lanie push him a bit and he went in. She was pale and peaky. He found a chair and pull it beside her bed. He stroked her face and gave a kiss on it. She looked so beautiful, to him she was always beautiful. He hold her hand and tangled their fingers. He waited for long hours and she didn't wake up. He went to find her doctor, because the "soon" is not five hours. - Excuse me, I'm looking for Dr. Pierce. - he asked a nurse and she called the doctor for him. - Mr. Castle what can I help you? - she smiled at him. - My wife didn't wake up. You said soon but.. - he could not finished his sentence. - She had to wake up already. - with the doctor Castle went back to the room. She checked up on her while he was walking in front of the bed. - The good news that her brain did not suffer any damage. The bad is I can't tell you when she will wake up. - she said but he can't believed it. - You mean she's in coma? - he asked with tears in his eyes. - Not yet. If she didn't wake up in two day. Then she will be in a coma. Sorry. - she left him in her room. - Dr. Pierce! - he ran after her. - Yes, Mr. Castle. - she turned back. - Can-can I lay with her? - he asked and she nodded. He went back and before he lay down next to her he called her mother. - Richard how's Katherine doing? - she asked and the tears came back to his eyes when he heard her full name. - She-she's not woken up yet. The doctor said she's not in coma but she will be if she don't wake up in two days. - he cried again. That was definitely the worst day of his life. - Mommy - he heard his, their daughter the other end of the phone, looking for her mother. Her tiny voice made him cry even harder. - Richard, she will be fine. She's a very, very strong woman. You want anything? - she asked with such a worried voice. She was worried for her son and of course for her daughter in law. - Can somebody bring Charlotte in? She want to see her mommy. - he asked for his baby girl. He wanted her close to him. Want to hug her and kiss her cute cheeks what was so much like her mother's. - Alexis is feeding her know but when we finish we will go in. - he thanked her mother and then broke the call. He changed her mind and he just sat down beside her. He watched her and hold her hand. He was damn afraid that he will lose the love of his life. His tears was still flowing on his cheek while his eyes was closed. - Castle why are you crying? - he opened her eyes at the moment when he heard that voice he was waiting hear for so long. When he saw his wife is awakened he want to say so many things but he could not found any word. - Rick ? - she squeezed their tangled fingers while with her other hand she wiped his tears away. - I'm so sorry. I didn't want to hurt you. You are the best mother to our daughters. And I love you more than anything and there's no way I would think you are a bad mom 'cause you are an amazing mom. I just miss you at home and Charlotte too. But that doesn't mean we not understood your job. We do and absolutely respect it. - he looked deeply into her eyes, and she could see the love in it. - I know you didn't mean it but when you said it I knew it that you were right. We barely even see each other but I will change I promise. - she smiled at him - Lay with me? Please. - she want him close to herself. - Just a minute, I'll send a message to everyone that you are awake. - he wrote the message and lay down next to her. He slid down to be face to face with his wife. - Hug me. - she wispered while she held his arm and put around her own body. - It's not hurting like this so don't move. - she smiled and tried to move closer to Castle but unseccessful so he moved closer to her. - You know how the doctor called you? - he smiled. - How? - she was courius. - Mrs. Castle. - he smirked at her and she just kept smiling. - I love it, Katherine Castle. - he was happy to called her Castle. - Not that bad. - she smirked and leaned in - What about a kiss Mr.Castle? - she asked with a chuckle. - I would love to Mrs. Castle - and their lips became one.

Caskett - One ShotsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang