Greece part 1

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It takes place in season 8 but the Captain it's still Gates.


The sound of the alarm woke her up in the morning. She turned to the other side of the bed but immediately got sad because she just realized what kind of fight they had with Castle last night. He found out that she has been working on the Locksat case and of course she kept it a secret. She moved out from the loft and let him thought that he did something against her for over 6 months. He's angry and it's acceptable, but she cannot let her marriage end. She has to win him back.


- You already up? - his mother was coming down from her room. - I couldn't sleep. - he answered while she starts to make a coffee. - You two had a pretty big fight last night I heard it. - she said while he was watching through the window. - She lied to me, she left me for something we could've do it together, that's why we are partners in crime and in life but she doesn't trust me at all. I don't think she ever will and we don't have a relationship without trust, none would. She broke me, mother. It breaks my heart that she thought we couldn't do it together, I could've helped, be there for her, but no.. - a tear appear in his eyes and he wiped away before her mother could've seen it. - Oh Richard, talk to her, you know how much she loves you. I'm sure she has answers to your question. - she bought him a coffee and sat down in front of him. - She doesn't need me, mother. We were perfect, no secrets, no lies, we trusted in each other...and now I think it's over, she doesn't feel the way anymore. - he went to his room, sat down at the table, and start writing. After a few hours his phone was ringing, it was Captain Gates. - Castle - he picked up the phone. - Good morning Mr. Castle, can you come to the precinct, please. It's important. - she said in her "it's an order" tone, so he did not have a choice. - I'll be there in 30 minutes. - he hangs up the phone, took a quick shower, dressed up, and went to the precinct. When he got there he saw Espo, Ryan, and Kate at Gates office. - Good morning. - he walked in, look at his wife with a look that clearly said to her that he was disappointed. Everybody greeted him then Gates started. - The president called me this morning, there is a case in Greece, and he wants the best team, the best murder investigation team, which is you, including Mr. Castle. Now, you will get every detail in email, here is your flight ticket, you will be in Santorini, Greece by tomorrow night. Good luck and keep me updated. Now go home, say goodbye to your family and pack your suitcases. Any question? - he couldn't believe his ears. He was so excited, he couldn't wait to go.


She went to her old apartment after their fight and cried herself to sleep but she couldn't sleep too much. She woke up at six and then went to the precinct, she didn't want to be alone. She was thinking about how she can win Castle back, but when Gates told her about the case in Santorini she knew it was her big chance. - Sir is there anybody who will bring us to the airport? - she asked her. -  Yes you and Castle will go in one car and Esposito and Ryan will go in another one. The driver will pick you up at 5 o'clock. Just tell me your address. - she said and she was kinda happy and she hoped that she can talk with him. - Castle, we can go from the loft, right? - she asked shyly,  wasn't prepared for a no. - Yeah, whatever. - he didn't even look at her which was hurting her badly. - Is there something wrong with the two of you? - Gates looked at them with curious eyes. - Nothing wrong Sir, it's just turned out that we not working as a couple... excuse me. - he walked out from the office, left Kate there with her eyes fully watered. - Esposito, Ryan, out! - she kicks the boys out before her best detective starts crying. - Sit down Kate, and tell me how can I help. - she sat down with her to the couch and gave her a box of tissue. - I lied to him, I broke his heart and he thinks I don't trust him and I don't love him and he thinks I never had faith in him. How can he think I don't love him? Every choice I made I was protecting him..- she was crying hard, let out everything she was holding back. - Protecting from why or from what? - she asked and she told her everything about Locksat. - Kate you have to calm down. He's mad for a reason I think, he will forgive you he just needs time, maybe you can make up in Greece, he loves you more than everything in his life, I never saw a man look at a woman as he looks at you, with so much passion, respect, and love. - she smiled at the woman and Kate wiped her tears away. - Thank you, Sir. - she thanked her and went home to pack her luggage. After she finished, Beckett went to the loft. She pushed the bell and after a minute Martha opened the door. - Katherine what a lovely surprise! - she greeted her and hugged her tight - I missed you. - her mother-in-law smile at her. - I missed you too, and Alexis. Is she home? - she closed the door and put her suitcase next to the couch. - No, she's with her boyfriend, but Richard is in his room. - she winked at her daughter-in-law and she smiled politely. - He told you everything, right? - Beckett asked. - He told me that you lied to him and you don't trust him. He's mad and disappointed. He loves you, he will forgive. - she squeezes her hand and went back to the kitchen. Kate took a deep breath and then walk to his door and knocked. - Come in! - he yelled and she went in. - Hey, are you done? - she went in and asked. - Oh, hey. I'm almost done. - he looked at her for a minute then looked away. - Our drive will be here in 10 minutes - she said - So did you get the details? - she asked awkwardly. - Yeah poor guy. What a death. - He zipped the suitcase and they went to get her's too. - Look I don't want things to be awkward between us. And I want to win you back. I will prove to you how much I love you and how much I respect you, how much I trust you. - she can't live without him. - Please keep your lies to yourself. - he opened the door and they went to the elevator. - Rick I'm not lying, this is the truth I'm sorry, yes, I lied yes, I left you yes, I should have told you what was going on but I was trying to protect you. I wanted you to be safe because if they catch me they will kill me and my loved ones. I wanted you to be safe! - after the Castle's took the elevator, they started to walk to the exit - I would walk into a tornado for you Kate! I would die for you! We could have done this together, do a fake break up and stay together undercover but no.. you broke my heart, you've hurt me, made me believe I did something wrong, that It's all my fault..- he walked out from the building letting his wife go out first. - And I would die if I lost you, I couldn't risk losing you!- after they got out of the house, they were yelling with each other in the street. - You could have told me! I'm your partner! I'm your husband! - he was pointing at his self again and again when he said "I'm". - Mr. & Mrs. Castle? - a black car parked down in front of them, the driver asked their name awkwardly. - Something like that. - he opened the door for her to get into the right side and he sat to the left.  - You are my life. I love you,  I hope you know that. I was trying to protect you and our family. I'm really, really sorry. - she teared up, while her gaze fixed on her husband out from the window. - I want to forgive, it's just not that easy. I need time and I have to know that you trust me, believe in me because right now I don't think you do. - he looked at her with his crystal blue eyes darkened. - I understand that. I'll be waiting, and I'll prove to you that I have faith in you, in us. And believe it or not, I trust you. - she looked at him with a serious look on her face. He didn't say anything just continue looking out the window. After 30 minutes they were at the airport with the boys. They checked in,  said goodbye to the suitcase, and sat on the plane. She sat next to the window, Castle seat was next to her and the boys were in front of them. After their plane got to the air a stewardess went there to them. - Hello, can I get you some snack or something to drink? - she asked them but she was focusing more on Castle. - Hi, yes I would like to drink a coffee, thanks. - Kate answered first - A coffee would be nice too ahm..Jasmin, what a nice name, do you have something special to offer? - he smiled at the woman with his charming smile. - I can show you my specialty in the kitchen if you want. - she winked at him and you could tell, that was enough for Kate Beckett. - Babe, can you tell your new friend to pick up another man and not my husband, or I won't be polite. - she put her hand to his tight and looked to the stewardess with a warning look. Jasmin roll her eyes and went forward. -What are you doing? - Rick asked the woman who was sitting next to him. - What am I doing? What are you doing?? Why were you flirting with her? Are you going to pick up all the bimbos who get into your way? - she was furious and mad. - I wasn't flirting! - he tried to protect himself. -  Yes, you were - the boys look at them at the same time. - I'm sorry I need some alcohol. - Beckett stood up but Castle held her back - Let me go. - she tried to go to the kitchen part of the plane but he put her to her seat. - You don't need alcohol we need time. Sorry, I thought it was a good idea. - he apologizes. - I trust you, Rick. I don't trust the other woman. - she looked at him with her eyes full of tears, again. - We should relax a bit I think. - he looked at her kindly. - Can I lay onto your shoulder? I couldn't really sleep without you..- she was vulnerable, everybody could see that and she was afraid of losing him. - Come here. - he put his arms around his wife and kissed her head - Believe it or not I can't sleep without you too. - his lips were at the top of her head. She smiled and smelt his scent. The next time she woke up was when the rising sun illuminated the plane. She carefully lifts her head up from her lover's shoulder and looked around. The passengers were sleeping or looking out to the window, watching the rising sun, then she looked at her husband. He was sleeping peacefully, like a little boy. She smiled at the view then she noticed that the stewardess was waking up the passengers, she decided to do the same with Castle. - Babe, good morning, it's time to wake up. - she stroked his soft hair gently and gave a kiss to his head. - Good morning. - he slowly opened his eyes and smiled at her. He even wanted to say something but Jasmin went to them. - You want some coffee? - she smiled at the couple. - Yes, thanks. - Rick smiled back and took the two cups of coffee from the blondie. - Here - he gave the cup to his wife. - Thanks. - they smiled at each other, turned to the window so they can watch as the sun rising,  while they were sipping their coffee, and waited for the landing.

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