He's back /part 2/

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Heeey! I know, I know I disappear for a while sorry. Don't forget to vote and comment! Hope you like the new chapter! I'll update ASAP. I think there will be two more chapter but I'm not sure.😅

Prompt: - It's a girl? - he was smiling like an idiot so did she. - Yes. - she smiled and let out a little yelp when he picked her up and spin around with her in his arms.

- I can't believe it! We are having a little girl! - he felt like he was the happiest man on the earth. - Me neither, but know, our son can not wait to see his father. - she smiled at him and they shared a kiss again. - I'll go after you, but first I have to go to the precinct. Esposito texted me. - she picked up her shoes and her coat. - What? No! You will not go anywhere near to the case. Tyson wants to hurt me and he knows that if he hurt my family I can suffer more. I can not let him hurt you or our daughter. - they were at the elevator and he could feel that this conversation will turn into a fight. - Castle, I can protect myself, I'm a big girl and I'll be safe at my own station. - she said while they stepped out of the elevator. - I know but now you're carrying a little human. Just think about her and how you put yourself and herself in danger. - he could not let Tyson hurt his wife or his babies. - I can protect myself!! You are not the one who will tell me what to do. You are not even my partner anymore. - she regretted it at the moment when she said it but she can't take it back now. -Yes, I'm nobody. - he was disappointed and angry at the same time. He left his wife beside the car and went to the P.I. office alone, on his feet.- Castle wait! - he heard her voice but he did not care, he was mad. How could she tell him this? "Not even my partner" He is their child father and her husband and her partner too even if he's not always working with her. He is the one who is deep in love with her and he would die for her. Soon he arrived at his office and went up with the elevator. Once he opened the front door he faced with a gun, which belonged to his friend. - Can you put that down, thank you. - he was still angry with his wife and it had an impact on his mood. - Sorry bro. - he put his gun to his holder and went after Castle. - Daddy- his son ran to him and he picked him up to his arms. - Hey buddy! Are you okay? - he hugged his son tight and kissed his head. He could have lost him today because of that serial killer. - I'm fine, missed you. - he put Noah to the ground and went to his older daughter and her mom to hug them. - You all okay? - he sat down next to his family and his son climbed to his lap. - We are all alright son but where is Katherine? Is she okay? - his mother asked. - She's fine at her precinct. She said you texted her. - as he said those words out he realized that something is wrong. - I didn't text her I was here. - the cop said while Castle stood up. - Alexis tracks her phone! - she did what her father was asking for. - She's at home. - the redhead said and Castle went out of the office. He needed to see his wife. He could not forgive himself if Tyson hurt her. He ran, literally ran to the loft. - Beckett! Beckett! Kate! - when he opened the door he started to yell his lover name. He was running to their room when he saw his wife at the bedroom door. - I'm here why are you yelling? - she asked and he immediately ran to her and hugged her. - What? Rick are you okay? I thought you are mad at me. - she hugged him back she was so happy that he's not mad at her. - Sito didn't text you from the precinct, he is with Noah, Alexis, your father, and my mother. It was him. I was so afraid that he will hurt you. - he still hugged his wife until she pulled away she could see into his eyes. - When I said to you that you are not even my partner I didn't mean it. You are my partner. You are my best friend, my husband, my family and you are the father of our son and our daughter. You are my everything. I'm so sorry. When you left I started to cry thanks to these pregnancy hormones and I started to get sleepier so I came up and lay down for a nap. - she stroked his face while a tear ran down on her face. He wiped away the tear with his thumb and gave a peck onto her lips. When they parted away she could see that his eyes were full of water. - No, babe don't do this. - she hugged him tight and ran her finger into his hair. - I thought that he killed you. I thought to the worst Kate, and I was so freaking afraid that I lost you. - he let his breath out and she kissed him. Kissed him like that was their first and last and the same time. It was slow but also fast. It was passionate but heated. It was them. Their forehead was rest on each other while he put one of his hands onto her belly. - Please, I'll do anything, just please, stay out of this case. I don't want you anywhere near to him. - he said and they went to their room cause he could see she was tired. - Okay, I promise that I'll stay out of this whole mess. Can we bring home Noah? I will put some patrolman in front of the house down and up here too. I just want my baby. - she said while she lay down. She's a cuddler when none see her but she wants more cuddling when she's pregnant. - Sure. I'll call Espo to bring them here. - he gave her a kiss and called his friend. - Babe, can you do me a fruit salad? - she asked and he went out to the kitchen to make her what she was asking for. When he opened the fridge there was an explosion. Castle flew back some meter and Beckett was running out from her room. - Castle! - she ran to her husband who was lay on the floor unconscious. - Rick, Rick! - she shook him but he did not respond to it. She stood up and went to the fire-extinguisher which Castle had to buy a few years ago when he decided to write and cook at the same time and he almost burned down the whole kitchen. She quickly extinguished the fire. She was on her way to call an ambulance when her friend, her children, and her mother-in-law stepped into their home. - Dad/Richard! - the redheads ran to the man who was still on the floor while the smallest Castle stayed in his uncle's arms. - Beckett what the hell is going on here? - Javier got to the woman after he called an ambulance. - It was him. He was about to do a fruit salad when the fridge exploded. - she cried. They all knew she would say that she cried because of those pregnancy hormones but they knew it wasn't true. The love of her life was lay in front of her, unconscious, of course, she was scared. - Mama! - her little boy was asking for her, she almost forgot him in the middle of the mess that was at the loft. - I'm here baby. - she took him from Espo and hugged him tightly. - Daddy is sick? - he looked into his mother's eyes. - Yes, but he's going to be okay. - she gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him again. When the paramedics arrived they took the awakening Castle to the hospital and they headed next to him. When they arrived at the hospital they asked for their family member. - He's in the O.R., he has internal bleeding and a head injury. You can wait in the waiting area. I'll tell you when he's out. - a nurse said and went back to work while the Castle family went to sit down. - I'll go and search for something at the loft with the CSU. I'll call you if I find something. Call me if he's awake. - Javier hugged his friend and went to the loft. The hours went by and the nurse came back. - Mrs. Castle your husband is awake and he's asking for Alexis and Noah. - she was the happiest person in the world but also a bit disappointed that he didn't ask for her. - Come here buddy, we will go see dad, okay? - Alexis took her little brother into her arms and went into the room where her dad was. - Daddy! - Noah exclaimed when he saw his father. - Hey, little man. - he smiled while his daughter was sitting down on the edge of the hospital bed. - How are you? - she asked while their dad was playing with Noah with his free arm which was okay. - I've been worse. - he smiled at her. - I'll bring him out the nurse said only a minute. - she gave him a kiss on the cheek and went out with her brother. - Go in. We will be here. - Martha said and Beckett went in. - Hey, how are you? - she smiled at him while she went closer. - Uhmm, hi. I'm fine I think thanks. Are you looking for somebody? - he asked and she stopped at the moment. - It's not a good joke Castle. It was a thought day. - she started to walk closer again. - You know my name but I don't know yours and should I know what are you talking about? - he asked and she could not believe what was happening. - Rick, please it's a very, very bad joke. - her eyes were full of tears and he had that same " I don't know you and why are you in my room" face. - I'm sorry but I really don't know who are you. - he smiled sadly and she broke into tears. - No.. - her voice was weak and broken while the tears start to flow down her cheeks and she sat down on the sofa. This can't be happening. Not now, not here, and not with them. He doesn't remember her.

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