3x06 ( 3XK)

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Beckett POV

Me and Castle were together about 2 years. I'm happy about that, I love him and he love me too. We take care of each other and save each other. Now we have that case, the triple killer or better know as 3XK. He's back and he have now 2 murder.

- Beckett I-I - he can't say what he want.

- Just go but be care full. And don't bother Ryan ! - I yelled after him.

Castle POV

We were on our way with Ryan to Jerry, we must tell him that now he is safe and his girlfriend is in safe too. We arrived the motel and we get out of the car.

- Gates tell everything, know the good boys win. What's not like? - Ryan asked

- In a krimi the heart operation was still a mystery - I said it loud what am I thinking of.

- It not a big deal, it's just an operation my father have it too. - we were going up.

- He was very poor, he can not pay this. - we stop in front of the door.

- I think it was Gates. Maybe he has some monye before he got to the pirson. - he said.

- But he is out about a month. Why they have waited untill now? - I asked.

- Because if Paul wasn't help to Gates he wasn't get the operation. - explained.

- Yes, ofcourse. - we get in to the motel room.

- Are you packing? - Ryan asked.

- I just get my stuff. - he continue the packing.

- You were right about Gates he wants to catch Dona but be calm she is in save. - he said.

- Gates? - Tyson asked.

- He tell everything, its over. - Ryan said in peecfully voice.

- Do you not asking what about your girlfriend, you were asked 'bout just Gates, it's not make any sense, unless.....she should've to die. - I thinking out loud.

- I-I don't what are you talking about. - he came closer to Kevin.

- Paul have got money when you get out of the pirson. You removes all your evidence. He is the 3XK. - I said to Ryan. He drew out his gun but Jerry get it and knocked down Kevin and he held the gun at me...

Beckett POV

- It was a great job Beckett! - the captian come out of his office.

- Thank you sir! Paise Castle too. Indeed where's Castle, I thought they were back. - I said.

- Maybe they are drink in a bar, come on go after them. Don't worry about your boyfriend. - Caption Montgomerry said and then we go. We were at the elevator when Martha called me that she talked with her son and it was unusual because Rick said to her that he loves her and he said that only if he is in trouble. All we know there's something wrong with him. When I get out of the elevator I met with Espo and we go to the motel with the Captian. When we arrived I get out of the car first but Espo and Montgomerry stops me.

- I have to know he's fine. - I tell them.

- But if anything wrongs with Castle you won't be the first one who sees it. We go and when I say you can come then you can come. - Captian Montgomerry said and they go up. They were up about five minutes and when I decided to go up Castle came out. - Rick! - I jumped into his arms. - Beckett. - he hugged me tightly. - I was afraid I lost you. - I get him off. - Never. - he smiled at me and I kiss him long. Then he told us that Jerry Tyson is the 3XK. - Let's go home I have a suprise for you. - I said with a huge smile on my face and we went home. A week earlier I went to buy a baby T-shirt and I put it in a small box. I've got an ultrasound pics too and I packed the picture into the baby sleepers. - It's yours. - I gave it to him and I wait for his reaction with so much nervous. - OMG Kate are you? - he said with a very big smile on his face. - I'm pregnant. - a smiled a little - Are you okey with that? I mean you want that baby or - he cut me off with a long, slow passionate kiss. - I want that baby more than everything. I'm so happy. - than I kissed him and it get more passionate and we get into our room.

Soooo guys pls comment and vote if ypu like it and share it on facebook twitter or whereever you want <3 I'll update soon i promise

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