3x16-17 ( Setup, Countdown)

516 16 0

Kate p.o.v.

We were at the warehouse with Castle when my radiometer is freaked out. 

- Castle get out! Now! Go,go,go,go!! - he run out without any question and when I was out he closed the door and we run down the hallway. 

- Beckett what's wrong? - he came close to me after I call help. 

- We've got radiation. - after I told him the ambulance came in and took out Castle in the opposite direction. 

- Castle! - I yelled his name while they took me the other way. 

- Beckett! - he yelled back and than we don't see each other. After they put me in a cabin and I was there I think 30 minutes alone and after they thrown in him. 

-How serious? - he asked but he havn't got any answer.

- My radiometer is freaked out. - while I said he turned around and look into my eyes. 

- OMG... - he sat next to me. 

- Just please don't talk about that. - I said while I look into his eyes. 

- Okey so, how's Josh? - he asked and look at the ground. 

- Fine,he is in Haiti, with the "Doctor with no border" group. - I said in a sad tone..

- How long he is still there? - he asked.

- I don't know. - I shrugged - It's strange Castle, in the beginning I enjoy that his busy like that because I always out with one leg of this relationship. - I said.

- And you don't know where were you. - he try to look into my eyes.

- He saves life in this moment and I'm? I'm maybe can die today. But btw I can't racing with this. - I bent my head.

- No, you can't. Nobody can race with that. - he's trying to cheer me up. 

-It was which is attracted me, passionately dedicated. - I smiled a little - I wish if only have someone who is there for me and I be there for him. We will do everything together... - I was holding back my tears while I stand up. Castle stand up and he grab my wrist and he look deep in my eyes. I lost in his ocean blue eyes, it was so beautiful. 

- I'm here for you, always. - I went closer to him and we just kissed. I don't know where it comes or how but we did it and it was amazing. We kissed about 3 minutes and after that we're cathing our breath. 

- It was amazing. - he said. 

- Yes, it was. - i smiled and than a man come in and said we can go home. Oh my gondess, thanks. I've got back to the case while Castle go home and seand his family to the Hamptons. After 4 hours we were out of the case and we went to the crime scene. We got in and found the bomb in a van. I was on my way to call Espo but somebody fired on us. We run into some "freezer" and they closed us in. 

  - Do you have any signal strength? - I asked.    

- No. - he said.

- Castle help me to get out. - I said while I want to break out the door but it was impossible. 

- Whohohohw, I know you are storng but this door is steel. You can't break out. - he said. 

  - Nobody know we are here, we will freezing to death. - I said.  

  - Maybe there is an other way to get out. - he said and I pointed to the death body behind him. - Okey...one, two, three. - and we jumped to the door three times but nothing.  

- How many hours we can take it? - He ziped  his coat.

- Maybe 2. - I ziped my coat too and put my hood on. I wiped the water from my forehead and it freezes.

Caskett - One ShotsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ