1x06 ( Always Buy Retail )

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It was a very interested case. The killer use chicken blood and voodoo when he kill. We were at Ms. Edwarsd house to get the passport from the SJP ( Sarah Jessica Parker ) bag. When she take out of it from the bag I turned to the door and then I saw are killer.

- Get down! - I yelled while I jerked her with me to the floor.

- Give me to the passport! - Bailor yelled and shot.

- Bailor don't do that, about any minutes here will be a lot of cop so not spoil it this situation even more.- Than he shoot again. After than Beckett shot 3 but she missed it.

- Castle stay here - I cut her off.

- No, you stay here. - I look at her with confidence in my eyes.

- I can't shoot him from here. - she said-

- Yeah, but he can't shoot you. - I reasoned.

- Castle I only have two cartridge. - she look at me....I don't know maybe she was scared - I have to shoot corretly. I have to see him - she said. I took out my phone and take a picture of the killer.

- Not the best picture, I can't see him perfectly. - she try to look out from the desk but Bailor shoot again.

- Okey, when we shot he is shooting back, reveals himself. I cover you, and you shot him. - I took the champagne bottle and I started to unwrap it.

- How do you wanna cover me ?! - she said uncomprehendingly.

- With this. - I open it.

- So you want a cartridge to your body. - she was nervous.

- You have to shoot corretly. - I prepared.

- Castle! - she said. I love when she say my name.

- Just listen well. - and I moved - Now. - I'm half yelled and she shoot Bailor. After the ambulance take him away I drink a glass of champagne.

- We have to drink for this. - I give a glass to my favourit Detective.

- I drink it just becaused you maybe saved my life. - she smiled.

- Maybe? I'm sure I'm saved your life. - I said and we cheers - So you owe me. - I have a cheeky grin on my face.

- What do you want? - she said bored.

- You know exactly what I really really want. - Every word was a step closer to her. She look into my eyes and I think she lost in my eyes. I look at her lips, than her eyes and her lips again. And I kissed her and she kiss back omg she is quite a good kisser. We were partners for some days but we know each other like we've been partners from 4 years. While we kissed I pull her closer to me by her waist, than she twist her arms around my neck. After a few minutes we catch are breath.

- Woow, you are a quite good kisser. - she said while I hold her close to me.

- You too. - I smiled - Do you want to come dinner with me? - I can not stand not to kiss her.

- It is a date? - she asked.

- Yeah, it's definitely a date. - there was a big smile on my face.

- Than I can't say no, so yes. I want to date with you. - she smiled and she kissed me. After a few minutes of kissing we're going to our first date.

Sooo it was boaring and I started to watch Castle and I write a new chapter for you guys. I hope u will like it :) Pls comment and vote

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