Fan of Yours Chapter 1 - The Story Begins

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*sound of a cellphone alarm*

"Ohh, its already 5am? It feels like I just closed my eyes" you thought.

"Hey Y/N, are you awake? time to prepare or else you'll be late for school" your mom says after a knock on your room's door.

It's another day as a college student and no one wants to be late on their first subject so you quickly prepared and went to your university.

You went to school with earphones on listening to kpop. It's few days before sembreak of your first year in college and you didn't know why you're in the course you chose so you're not doing well in school.

Time has passed and you finished your 2nd subject. You're walking with your friends as you received a text message from your 2 year girlfriend, Irene.

"Hey hon, how are you doing? We just finished our P.E. class and we just had lunch, don't forget to have yours too! I love you" her sweet message for you.

She's your girlfriend since 2nd year in high school and this year is your 3rd year in relationship.

You smiled as you read her message.

"I'm good hon, yes I will, I love you too, take care!" you replied.

"Time for lunch guys?" one of your friend, James, asked.

And all of you agreed.

Time passed and you are waiting for your next subject when your class president distributed your previous assignment. You saw some of your classmates got a good score but when your assignment came you got a note stating that you and some of your friends has the same assignment.

You were shook because it says that it's your 1st offense, in 1st offense you got F on that assignment. You realized that a while ago you submitted your 2nd assignment which you also copied from them so you already thought what can be the punishment for 2nd offense.

You came home tired and of course the thought of what could be the punishment for your doings in your assignments.

"Y/N! Irene is here!" your mom shouted.

"What?!" you asked with a bit of surprised.

"Irene is here!" your mom repeated.

You quickly looked at the mirror because you don't know she's coming and she did not told you too.

You went to the living room and you see your girlfriend in a simple clothes which is one of the reason why you love her.

"Hi Y/N" she greeted.

"What's the matter hon? you didn't say you're coming" you asked.

"Oh nothing, I thought you might want to eat these" she said as she shows to you your favorite food.

"Oh my! Thank you hon, let's go to the kitchen and let's eat" you said with excitement.

After you eat with some conversations, she went home.

You opened your social media account and in your surprise, you received a message from your professor.

"Good evening Y/N, let's talk tomorrow regarding your 2nd offense in copying your classmate's assignment. Maybe after our class"

The happiness you felt turned to being worried.

"Hon, I have a problem, my professor wants to talk to me after class tomorrow for copying my classmate's assignment" you messaged Irene.

"What? is that true?" she replied.

"I just don't have time to finish my work so I just copied, I don't really want but I don't have time" you replied.

"You explain to him the reason, maybe he can understand" she replied to calm you.

You didn't reply anymore because you're too worried. You just listened to your favorite kpop songs which makes you a little calm than before.


The next morning you wake up early and went to your university.

*Fast forward*

"That's all for today, you may go but to those I messaged last night, you stay" your professor said.

You were shook to see all of your friends were left with you.

"I just thought me and James are the one?" you asked with a bit of surprise.

"We also did it Y/N, hahahaha!" Chris said even if their in a bad situation.

Your professor talks to all of you one by one and in your turn.

"Oh Y/N, it's your 2nd offense right now, this is bad" your professor said.

"Sir, I didn't copy it, I just get the idea from James but I didn't copy all of its content, sir please" you explained a little bit different because maybe you thought this would be more good.

"I can't do anything more Y/N, it is in the rule of the university that if you got 2nd offense in copying, you will got failed in this subject meaning that you need to take this again next semester" he said.

"It's different from high school, you're in college now, you need to avoid doing these things" he added.

You just can't say anything with all of what you've heard. you just walked outside and seeing your friends smiling.

"How was it?" Chris asked.

"We got our 1st offense only so we just got F on the assignment but I just saw you got 2nd" Chan asked.

"Yeah, I need to take this again next sem" you said in a sad voice.

"Really?!" they said.

"So you and me will taking it" James said in a not so happy voice also.

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