Only to see her hand disappear again. Her breath hitched, her vision blurring.

Her watch were still. She hadn't felt cold or hot when the sunrays had reached her, nor she smelt the sweet scent of baked goods when she had passed the bakery on the corner. Her body was able to go through walls...? No one had noticed her on the street. Had she fucking walked through someone when going home?

Her heartbeat wasn't hammering in her temples at the terrible realization and it made her— not exactly nauseous?

"Oh my god."

She really was dead. But— but she was-- she was breathing! And talking! And--- her left hand shot up to her right wrist, trying to feel for her pulse, her throat impossibly tight.

There... there was a pulse. It seemed really fast and thread, but... it was there. What the hell did that mean?

She wasn't dead. Right? She still had her pulse. Her heart was beating, ergo she was alive. She sighed in relief. Something really, really weird was happening, but she would figure it out. She just needed to find Matt and his other super-friends and they could bring some light into this mess. This for example looked like Danny's area of expertise.

Except she couldn't touch the doorbell and she didn't have keys. Since her hand went through the wall, could she just... walk through the locked door? How was it possible she hadn't fallen into the core of Earth if—never mind. But earlier, she had leaned onto a wall, how-- shut up.

She took a deep breath, extending her shaking hand towards the door.

She yelped when it suddenly flew open, her palm shooting up to her... heart. And then Mrs. Ginger just walked right through her as if Vera wasn't even here. It was the strangest feeling Vera ever lived through and she had lived through a lot; she had even met a guy who punched a dragon.

Also, there was a possibility she wasn't living through anything anymore. Fuck.

She quickly reached for the door to stop them from closing, but her hand indeed went through again.


So her body followed. Vera blinked at the unusual feeling, biting her lip. Okay, this was really, really outside the box. And she hadn't fall through the stairs, which was maybe even weirder, but she didn't want to think about it too hard, soon standing in front of the 6A apartment, gathering her courage. Her heart should be hammering in her chest, because she was terrified; so far, she found out she was possibly half-dead, she could walk through things and apparently, no one could see her or hear her. But Matt with his enhanced senses... he would, right?

She swallowed loudly, walking in. Through the closed door. Huh. She was almost getting used to that.

"Matt?" she called out cautiously in low volume, slowly moving through the hall to the living room.

She entered the space, finding Matt on the couch with his fist curled against his mouth and a phone on his ear. There was a man by his side, his hand on Matt's shoulder in comforting gesture. It surprised Vera – she couldn't identify him since he was showing her his back and she was pretty sure she would recognize Matt's friends even from behind, especially friends who apparently knew his identity since Matt was in his Daredevil outfit minus the helmet.

She paced to the pair, her fiancée's name on her lips again.

"Matt, hey, I'm-"

A pair of bright blue eyes shot up to her face, the gaze actually startling her with its intensity. Her heart not exactly jumped into her throat for one more reason; Matt didn't look up. His eyes were sightlessly staring at an armchair, his look haunted. The room was so silent Vera could hear the dialling tone.

Things Unseen, Things Unheard *Matt Murdock*Daredevil x Supernatural* Damned*जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें