Chapter One

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The Note

Once upon a time, when everything seemed to be alright and going fine, I wanted to become a ballerina. I wanted to make momma and daddy proud of me, participated in dance competitions for girls in my age and always won. They were so proud of me. Always applauded for me from the front row. Would come up to the stage and hug me, tell me they were so proud of me. Give me a kiss on the crown of my head and pose for the camera with me.

Where are you now, mum and dad?

Look, I'm dancing. I'm even making money with it, mum and dad. I'm so successful now. Look at me dancing now. 

People never want me to stop dancing, they always want more and more. Do you hear them howling for me? Do you feel their pleasure? Are you not proud of me, mum and dad?

I'm dancing, do you see the breathless suspense? I'm dancing for you two, I always danced to make you happy.

Come here, look at me now. Be proud of me, accept and welcome me with your arms wide open. Give me back my old princess room with that beautiful soft pink walls and the stars on the ceiling that would always start shining when you shut off the light after you wished me a good night.

27th of July, 2014

They always want me to continue. I can't remember the last time I got to stop on schedule. Always want me to continue and I wasn't allowed to object. Charlson would kill me.

Today I almost fell and he only gave me half the money. Need to go on a diet this month.

Still no sign from mum and dad. I believe they forgot about my existence and try to focus on Amelia. Couldn't really blame them. It was so typical for them to always focus on the perfect things. 

Like they did with me.

I only want my old life back. I wish I never met Charlson that night a few months ago and I wish that I would still be with my family and I wish people would respect me and look up to me like they did when I won three ballerina competitions in a row.

Don't know how much longer he'll keep me here. Back aches because of uncomfortable bed. Can't even go outside due to inappropiate clothes only. Not a single pair of jeans in my closet!

There is always the same group of men watching me. New faces are as rare as the chance of me escaping from here.

 It's so co-

"Alice!", Charlston shouted from the other side from the door pounding his powerful fists into the wood over and over again. This could either mean I had to go out on stage again or he was upset about something . Honestly, I didn't know which one I prefered. Both were equally as bad.

"Yes?", I asked back, quickly hiding the piece of paper I wrote on earlier under my underwear in my closet. If Charlston would ever find them he wouldn't be all too pleased about that.

The wood cracked a bit as he broke in the door forcefully. Could've just asked me to open it. 

He was drunk. I could tell from the redness in his eyes and his confused stare around the room.

"The crowd wants more. Get ready and give them what they want. Make sure to please them. don't reject anyone's touch and always make a seductive face. I saw your unmotivated face earlier. Once again and no money this next month. Heard me?", he commanded, intimidating me as he stepped nearer and nearer to where I was sitting on the bed.

Frightened I nodded at him, looking everywhere but in his direction. He even smelled of alcohol.

The thought of him watching me perform out there grossed me out when it really shouldn't matter. There are enough men that were way older than Charlston.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2014 ⏰

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