Chapter Ten: Boze

Start from the beginning

Once they emerged on the other side, they crouched and waited. The new guards were making their way outside, taking their positions around the garden. Boze had tactically picked their position to be completely out of their view. It was a blind spot that Anthony had decided was too difficult for anyone to get too to be of any trouble.

Rule one of protection; never leave a blind spot. If he hadn't, maybe he would've been able to keep his life.

It took a few minutes for all the guards to settle in their new positions. Even after they stopped moving, Boze gave them two minutes, just to be safe. Then she gave Atomic the signal.

The purple-haired woman pushed past her three companions and to the edge of the garden. Boze had let her wear the outfit Wes had designed for her, so she stuck out pretty nicely against the hedge. Thankfully, no one was looking.

She drew an arrow from her quiver and nocked it, pulling the drawstring back slowly and soundlessly. Boze watched as she aimed, making sure she had a good shot, and let the arrow fly.

Faintly, Boze heard a squelch, meaning that it had hit its mark in one of the guards outside the door's neck, and the thud of his body hitting the ground. Atomic didn't line up her next shot as much (she didn't have as much time) but Boze knew from the lack of a scream that she'd killed the other guard.

Wrath and Psycho rushed forwards and grabbed their bodies, dragging them into the bushes before quickly undressing them and changing into their outfits. Guns in hand, they rushed back out and took their places. Up close, you'd be able to tell that they were women, which none of Anthony's guards were, but from a distance, you wouldn't be able to tell that anything was out of the ordinary, which was all that they needed.

Atomic slung her bow back over her shoulder, and the two women walked up to the door and let themselves in.

"Who are y-" the butler, a shorter man with black hair, began to ask, but his face paled as soon as he saw Boze's face. All he got for an answer was a knife to the neck.

Boze waited for an alarm, but none came. Good. That meant that Barbie had already taken out the men watching the security cameras and gotten back to Anthony fast enough to be able to claim it was a bathroom break.

She pulled out the map and laid it on the ground. For a handwritten map, it was surprisingly neat. There were no guards coming through here for around five minutes, so they had some time. She mapped out their route before folding it back up and shoving it in her pocket.

Atomic followed her as she headed up the stairs. Anthony's bedroom was on the fifth floor, the highest point in the building. They had a little while to go to reach him even if you factored out the turns they took to avoid guards.

As they made their way through the mansion, Boze couldn't stop herself from being amazed. She knew that Anthony was rich, but this? This was just ridiculous. Each room looked more expensive than the rest. She wouldn't be surprised if Anthony had gone straight-up MC Hammer with golden toilets and the like. As they passed their third diamond chandelier, that suspicion became even more firmly implanted in her mind.

Despite herself, she felt jealousy bubble up inside her. When you know what its like to go to bed hungry and grow up in a family living by paycheck-to-paycheck, its hard not to. Then, of course, came the anger, for the exact same reason. What had he done to deserve this? He hadn't even achieved the American dream; all he'd done was kill the descendants of those who had.

They arrived in a dining room. Beyond it was the third flight of stairs, but there were two guards outside it. They would be the first ones they'd have to handle since coming inside.

"You ready?" Boze asked her companion, picking a knife out of the many she had attached to her belt and palming it.

Atomic, who had already shrugged her bow off her shoulder and nocked it, nodded.

Boze counted down with her fingers before throwing the door open. Before the guards even had enough time to raise their guns, they attacked. Boze threw her knife into the first one's neck, and the second one found an arrow in his eye. The two women went to collect their weapons and nodded at each other in admiration.

That was when Boze saw it. Fleetingly, in Atomic's eyes, she saw Mari. She didn't know how, she didn't know why, but she did. It was gone almost as quickly as it was there, but it shocked her enough to make her freeze in place, earning her a queer look from Atomic.

She quickly shook herself and started walking up the stairs. She could think about that later. Right now, she needed to focus on the mission.

They made it to the fourth staircase with no more conflicts, and then they were on the fifth. Boze didn't even need to pull out the map; she could hear Barbie's voice through the walls, low and seductive.

Barbie didn't mind having sex, even with people she didn't like. She didn't think that it was that big of a deal. Boze didn't know how or why, but she wasn't complaining; it made Barbie much more effective on missions. The only reason she was trying to postpone the act right now was because she didn't want to get walked in on; having your boss see you naked was embarrassing, even for her.

Boze and Atomic followed the voices. It wasn't a long walk to Anthony's bedroom; the staircase was already near a window, and there would be no point in having his bedroom be in the middle of the floor.

His door was guarded by two guards. That must be a fun job to have; waiting outside, listening as your boss had sex. She'd never do that to one her girls. The only time any of them had to listen to her having sex was when they were the one she was having sex with.

She almost felt bad when they killed them. Almost.

Atomic and her shared and a glance and nodded. Then Boze kicked the door in.

Anthony's room was the prettiest in the entire house. Only two of the walls were made of wood; the other two were rounded and made of glass, as was the ceiling, making the room look like a bubble. His bed was on a raised platform close to the farthest point and surrounded by a small canal of water, cut into the floor, which circled around the room. A diamond chandelier hung from the ceiling, and beautiful paintings covered the wall, along with the biggest flat-screen T.V Boze had ever seen. A large desk was pushed against the left wall and had three computers resting on it. In the corner was a Dance-Dance Revolution machine, which insulted her, because that was her favourite game and did not deserve to be slandered by being in the same room as him.

Anthony was lying in his bed, Barbie at his side, thankfully fully-clothed. He sat up to at the sight of them. It didn't take a genius to figure out what was going on. "Miel, what-"

Barbie pulled her taster out of her pocket and stabbed him in the side. His body jolted for a few seconds as the current ran through him. Then he collapsed onto the ground, drooling. Barbie dropped the taser on top of him.

"Took you long enough," she sighed as she climbed out of the bed and stretched. "If you had been any later you might have walked in on something that would've traumatized you for life."

She squeezed Atomic's cheek with those words as if she were her grandmother. Boze had to admit; it was funny to see the look of confusion on Atomic's face. Sometimes, it truly did seem like she had the mind of a child.

"I've looked at this motherfucker's face long enough," Barbie sighed as she walked over to Anthony, kicking his unconscious form in the side. "Let's get him out of here, shall we?"

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