Chapter Five: Mine and Jungkook's Day

Start from the beginning

I still felt Jungkook staring at me so I look at him and he's smiling " is something wrong?", Jungkook chuckled and looked away " no nothing is wrong", I smile " why where you staring at me for?", Jungkook shook his head and looked at me " no particular reason but can I ask you something without upsetting you?", I laughed nervously " it depends what it is?", Jungkook shook his head " it's nothing bad or uncomfortable just curiosity is all", I laughed " what is it then?", Jungkook sighed " why do you always wear make up and do your hair before going out anywhere?", I gulped....oh lord not this again he sounds as bad as Ahro does when she wants to know that.

I sigh " I don't really know Jungkook I've just done it since I was 13...I guess because before my mother was ill I would watch her do her hair and make up all the time before going out and I just kind of followed what she did", Jungkook smiled " you don't need it you know", I smiled..." I get that a lot ", Jungkook smiled " well it's true...your beautiful without it...I mean it", I smiled....I couldn't believe Jungkook was saying this...only Jimin, V, and Jin ever told me those exact words " thanks Jungkook it means a lot coming from you I've only herd that from Jin, V, and Jimin", Jungkook tensed " what about Suga?...has he ever said anything to you about wearing make up?".

Now I've done it I know Suga and his actions are a touchy subject with Jungkook, When I found out that only me, Jimin, Jin, and V where the only one's who said anything to her about wearing make up and that Suga didn't even say anything I was Furious...that's his girlfriend and he doesn't tell her that she don't need make up....that's wrong...why does she do this to herself so much?, I gulped..." well from your look you already know that he don't say anything to me about wearing make up Jungkook", Jungkook sighed " that's wrong Rachel...your his girlfriend...he should have enough dignity to tell you that you don't need any make up".

" I know Jungkook"..., I smiled " it doesn't matter now....this is mine and yours day...remember you asked me to do this with you today to get my mind off of Suga and our problems remember silly?", I laughed and looked at Jungkook, Jungkook laughed " your right let's go the car is here", I smiled " Okay", I watched Jungkook get up and walk out to the car and I followed him to the car...Jungkook got in first and I got In behind him and shut the door and the car pulled off " where are we going first? and do the others know where we are going all day?", Jungkook smiled " first we are going out to breakfast and no they don't know we were going out today also I got you something".

I looked at Jungkook in shock...Is he trying to get Killed by Suga?, " WHAT?...Jungkook you shouldn't have done that...Suga is going to kill you",

Jungkook scoffed " I don't care what Suga say's he's gonna get use to it because I'm buying you more stuff today and you or him wont stop me from doing it either...if he has a problem with it ill say something about it to him personally", I watched Jungkook pull out a red gift bag from under the seat and I thought your fucking crazy Jungkook, Jungkook handed the gift bag to me and I took it and opened it and almost cried...inside the bag was a Black hat with a BTS face mask, " Jungkook you shouldn't have done this if I needed my hat and face mask you should have told me and I would have  grabbed the silver hat and red mask that Suga bought me for Christmas."

Jungkook Scoffed " Nonsense I insist besides you needed a new set any way the one you have won't match all your outfits all the time", I sighed and watched.

Jungkook put on his Hat and Mask and then he looked at me and smiled, " Here let me help you put them on", I don't know why but I blushed when he took the mask and hat out of my hand...I blushed even more when Jungkook softly took my Scrunchie out of my hair causing my long curly Blonde hair to fall down to my left shoulder after he put my Scrunchie on my wrist he took his hands and softly spread my hair out and down both my shoulders then her put the hat on my head.

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