Chapter 6: A Race against Time

Start from the beginning

(Krillin)"Ugh, damn!"

(Nappa)"How dare you! No one cuts me, and lives to talk about it!"

He fired a energy blast at the small human, he was able to get away from the blast, but the explosion slightly damaged him, and rip up his clothes. Before Nappa threw another, he was hit in the back with a energy ball, leaving a big, red burn on it. He turned around, and it was Piccolo was the one who did it.

(Piccolo)"Saiyan trash! It would be unwise to underestimate me!"

(Nappa)"Don't Tell me who I can or can't underestimate!"

Piccolo then felt a huge power level from the distance, he could feel that it was Goku, he had finally made it across Snake Way, and the elder Namekian, Kami, transported him back to Earth.

(Piccolo)"What's that power!? It's tremendous!"

(Gohan)"I can feel it too, it's my dad! I just know it is!"

(Krillin)"Yep, there's no doubt about it, Goku's coming! "

Vegeta and Chiliad activated their scouters, and detected a power level of 5,000. It's distance from them is about four minutes.

(Chiliad)"Nappa, enough games! Kill the two small ones, now!"

Nappa ran towards Gohan, he jumped in the air, and kicked Nappa in the face, launching him into a pile of stones. He jumped out, and landed a small distance from Gohan.

(Nappa)"Now, you're finished! Die!"

He fired a huge energy blast at Gohan. He was too scared to move, and Piccolo decided what he was going to do. He ran in front of the blast. When it connected, a huge explosion was created. When the smoke cleared, Piccolo thought he took the blast, but it was actually...Chiliad!


(Chiliad)"That, was too close."

He grabbed Piccolo by the neck, and turned to Nappa.

(Chiliad)"Nappa, you almost made this whole trip be for nothing! Be more careful next time!"

(Nappa)"Y-Yes sir!"

He then looked at Piccolo.

(Chiliad)"You thought you could go and kill yourself? No, I'm not letting my wishes be stolen from me."

Chiliad raised his tail up, and a large needle came out of the tip. He stabbed Piccolo in the abdomen, and he started to feel tired.


He went unconscious, and Chiliad threw him on the ground.

(Nappa)"Lord Chiliad, what was that!?"

(Chiliad)"Many years ago, I made some, modifications, to my body."

He put both of his hands back, and two smaller needles came out of his wrist. One of them secreted a purple liquid.

(Chiliad)"These needles will inject a fast-working sleep drug, but I don't use them when I fight, it would be dishonorable, and unfair."

Gohan screamed in rage, as he put his hands up to his forehead.


He fired a yellow energy blast at Chiliad. He retracted the three needles, and knocked the attack away from him.

(Chiliad)"You know, it's rude to interrupt the grown ups when they're speaking!"

(Gohan)"Piccolo...I'm sorry!"

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