That had about everything you'd think of when it came to Russia's most popular dishes; Borscht, Beef Stroganoff, Pelmeni, Smoked Salmon, and so much more. (A/N: Literally had to look some up y'all some of the dishes looked so good.) Yurio stares at all the food drooling like a mountain lion about to feast on its pray after a long chase. Soon enough beer is also brought out in large mug looking glasses.

Victor looks up at Mila with a serious expression "We're not old enough to drink."

"You act like we've never done it before. Plus we're old enough to buy them at a store so what's the big deal." Mila giggles lightly "Live a little."

"I need a drink my girlfriend broke back up with me after we were together for about two hours~!" Georgi cries out and starts gulping down the glass like there's no tomorrow.

Coach Feltsmen takes a sip of his "Make sure not to get wasted kids practice is early tomorrow morning."

'Why is she doing this... especially on the night where I want to close things off with her but she keeps bringing back old times...' Victor stares deeply at his glass of beer 'The reason it was so hard to walk in this restaurant in the first place was this was the last place we ate at last time I came here.' Sighing to himself he grabs the cup and starts gulping it all down.

"I don't want you to go again. Why don't you come back with the program and stay permanently?" Mila stabs her fork into her salad dramatically.

Victor sighs heavily "I agreed to having dinner with you so why are you acting like this?"

"Because you're still the same selfish bastard as that day you left me to go to Japan!" She slams down onto the table roughly and sits up to shout in his face "You come back to visit every year and claim it's just because of your family but you only ever came to my apartment to sleep with me!!! So why, huh?" Tears start to appear in Mika's eyes.

Victor looks away blushing lightly "I don't know okay... I just... I'm in love with someone else..."

"WITH WHO?! I DONT UNDERSTAND BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS COME BACK TO ME!!" She slams her hands against the table again.

"ITS THIS GUY OKAY!! IS THAT WHAT YOU WANTED TO HEAR?" Victor shouts back at her "I'm a fucking homo alright and I don't know I feel gross and disgusting and I just wanna sleep with you!"

Mila stands up straight and glares at Victor "My feelings aren't an outlet for you to use because you hate yourself for liking guys. I loved you so much that I was willing to ignore what my sister was telling me and let you use my body."

Suddenly a waiter taps on her shoulder and smiles politely "Sorry miss but I'll have to kick you both out for disturbing the peace."

"I was heading out anyways..." Mila grabs her purse and dashes out of the restaurant.

Victor runs after her and catches up in the parking lot next to her car. Mila turns around and slap him across the face with tears filling her eyes causing her mascara to form streaks down her cheeks.

"I know I'm a selfish and a horrible person but I did love you before I left." He let's go of her hand.

"Then why did you stop?" She holds onto her own wrist looking down to avoid eye contact.

"Because of what your sister said earlier that day before I left the program five years ago." He looks away as well.

"What'd She say?" Mila looks up suddenly.


Back with Yuri upon hearing all this information about the two's relationship causes his chest to tighten up uncomfortably. 'He's using her but she's using him... one wanted love but the other wanted money. But at the end of the day they have something that me and Victor don't have. They have each other right now and we're separated.'

"Sorry by the way I took your phone hoping you'd have no other means of contacting each other which failed." The student prez throws over Yuri's phone in his lap "I'm starting to get lousy at my job but then again it's a fail to begin with you two are already so far in."

"As much as it hurts I don't want to believe any of this..." Yuri looks up at her "Knowing Victor's past regardless he wouldn't use the poor girl like that..."

"Why don't you ask him?" She smirks "Oh right, he kept it a secret from you."

Suddenly a huge sharp pain runs through Yuri's chest and he grasps onto his shirt in pain. Choking on the flowers he stands up and waves one of his arms around frantically to get the student prez to help. This going on while Victor had his small flashback was the last straw for Yuri and before he knew it he fell back onto the floor unconscious; breathing but not much for the flowers finally became a problem only surgery could fix.

"As bad as I feel for you.." The student prez sits up "We need you out of the way." she giggles to herself as she drags his body outside the room.

Back to Victor they all finally finished their meals and everyone is getting set to go home. They all thank Mila for paying for the meal as well as leftovers and were on their merry way. 'I wonder what she wants to talk about since there's nothing to talk about after the last time being here.' Victor looks over at Mila saying goodbye to Coach feltsmen.

I head over to her and put my hand on her shoulder "Shall we walk? I guess there something's that still needs to be said?"

"The Hanahaki Disease is an illness born from one-sided love, where the patient coughs up flowers or flower petals. The only cure is to have that love reciprocated, or to somehow wipe away all one's memories of their beloved person. The infection can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals."

Hanahaki Disease {Victor X Yuri Fan-Fic}Where stories live. Discover now