Chapter 1- let the games commence

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Everyone on the Castle of Lions was bored. The Galra hadn't attacked or even been seen in over three weeks, which means the Paladins had nothing to do. Everything that needed to be fixed had been fixed and even upgraded, they had trained non stop and they even had time to clean the castle. They had ran out of things to do and normally just sat somewhere staring at the ceiling.

Everyone except coran (who was somewhere in the castle 'taking a trip down memory lane' as he put it) was sat in the kitchen twiddling their thumbs or playing with their hair. Suddenly Pidge stopped platting Allura's hair and gasped, "guys I just thought of something we can do!" she exclaimed.
Lance sat bolt upright "what, what is it? I would be willing to do anything right now." Lance wasn't used to being bored as back home he had many siblings to save him from boredom.
everyone was paying attention as they were intrigued about what new thing Pidge had thought of. "We could play daredevil, daredevil!" She hadn't played that in so long and couldn't wait to see her friends do dumb stuff just because they were told to.
Everyone's face dropped "I thought you were going to suggest something fun." Lance moaned
"I thought you were willing to do anything." pidge reminded him.
"well yeah but I didn't think you meant something boring." Lance said in an annoyed tone.
"I have to agree with Lance, which is something I never thought I would say, but daredevil ,daredevil is a pretty boring game." Keith said in his normal monochrome voice.
Hunk looked up from eating the food goo he had made for himself out of boredom "I think we should have a go, it's not like we have anything better to do."
Shiro nodded "Hunk and Pidge are right, it's better than sitting around doing nothing. Plus it might build teamwork!" shiro said enthusiastically "come on guys we'll play this in the lounge."
even though keith and Lance were reluctant they decided they probably didn't have a choice.
Everyone except Allura got up and walked out. "do you have any idea what they are talking about?" Allura asked the mice confused.
never the less she got up and joined everyone else.

Once everyone was in the lounge Pidge was about to begin the game; before she could Allura interrupted "sorry to interrupt but what exactly is this game?"
Pidge then realized that this was an earth game so she wouldn't know "oh, right. basically I go round and point at people while singing the game's chant and whoever I land on last has to do a dare that I or someone else in the group, if I choose someone else. got it?"
Allura thought for a minute but then nodded.
Pidge smirked and clasped her hands together "cool, I'll start. Daredevil, Daredevil I dare you to do something daredevils never do. I pick YOU!" she landed on Hunk. Hunk looked scared but excited at the same time. Pidge started thinking "um, I dare you to go get the can of whipt cream from the kitchen and squirt all of it into your mouth, then everyone here can decorate it with anything they want." everyone smiled at this, it sounded hilarious. Hunk got up and ran to the kitchen. about a minute later he came back with a can of whipt cream and arms full of toppings. He sat down and spread everything out on the table, everyone got something to use on Hunk. he sat down tilted his head back and pressed to button on the can and cream started spraying into his mouth, once the can was empty the cream was like a mountain in Hunk's mouth. Lance and keith climbed on the table while Allura, Pidge and Shiro went round to the back of Hunk. they all started pouring sprinkles, chocolate and strawberry sauce and different types of toppings onto the whipt cream mountain. once everyone had returned to their seats Hunk began to eat the whipt cream whilst everyone was laughing their asses off. even though Hunk had just ate an entire can of whipt cream he still had topping all over his face so he decided to go wash it off.

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