chapter 6 - day 1 part 2

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after lance and keith watched half of the movie Allura's voice came booming through the speakers "paladins we have tracked a fleet of galra to a planet in a near by galaxy, get to you lions immediately!"
lance grabbed the remote and turned the tv off. "come on keith, there's no time to change we'll just have to grab our helmets and go!" he said while getting up to leave, keith followed close behind. they reached the control room and spit up to reach their lions, once they were out in space they headed towards a nearby planet, it as a very luscious fog filled green planet except that there were a lot of galran camps set up.

the second they entered the planet's atmosphere the galra spotted them and started to attack. they managed to defend themselves and the planet for a while, they brought down three of the five ships that were attacking them. "keith, lance you focus on the one to the left. me, hunk and pidge will get the one on the right!" shiro shouted through the com. everyone did as they were ordered to do, although one of the ship's captains realized what they were doing and focused on the other two lions. In one flash of light Keith's lion got shot and he fell into the abyss of fog covering the planet.
"keith!" lance yelled before nose diving down to find him.
"I'll take care of that other ship while lance is looking for keith, can you two handle the other one?" shiro asked hunk and pidge.
"on it!" pidge and hunk replied in unison.

lance was frantically searching for Keith's lion until he saw a glimpse of something red through the fog, keith had landed in the middle of a luscious green grasses field. he rushed down as fast as he could and landed next to Keith's lion, he took his helmet off and threw it on the ground, left blue and ran towards keith. once he reached the cockpit he found keith who was almost unconscious. "keith!" lance exclaimed, worried for him. he took Keith's helmet off to see his almost lifeless face he picked keith up in a bridal style and carried him outside and put him on the grass. "Keith, amigo, ¿estás bien? Dios mío, te lastimaste la pierna, pagarán por esto. ¿puedes caminar? ¿puedes escucharme? ¿estás vivo? por favor, estar vivo. habla conmigo amigo." lance started ranting in Spanish.
"lance? lance I have no idea what you are saying right now but you should turn around." keith said looking quite shocked.
"why do I need to turn around? Is something there?" lance said as he turned around "AGH" what is that?" lance said as he realised there was something behind him, they were small troll like things each a different colour.
"I don't know. I think they might be the species who live here." keith suggested.
"well I don't like them can we find somewhere to hide from them and the galra?
keith and lance looked around, keith pointed at a small cave entrance not far from where they were. "look, there's a cave over there but the lions won't fit."
lance helped keith up and keith had his arm over lance's shoulder so he could walk a bit. "that doesn't matter they'll be fine out here." lance said helping keith towards the cave.

inside the 1st alien's head:
first name- lance
second name- ???
age- 16-19 (teenager)
height- 5'7
language- English/Spanish- planet earth
species-human being- planet earth (milky way galaxy)
extra info- obnoxiously loud, possible relationship with other human, possibly more of them, ships shaped as lions, not used to other species.

inside the 2nd alien's head:
first name- keith
second name- ???
age- 16-19 (teenager)
gender- male
height- 5'5
language- English- planet earth
species- human being- planet earth (milky way galaxy) galran- planet Daibazaal (drule galaxy)
extra info- hurt right leg, possible relationship with other human, possibly more of them, ships shaped as lions, not used to other species.

suddenly the two aliens started to change; they became taller and skinnier, their skin changed colour and they grew hair, the clothes they were wearing changed as well. they had turned into keith and lance. "now we can get in these ships, join the fight up there and go back with them to cause chaos" one of them said to the other. they then proceeded to get in the lions and pick up the helmets they had left behind and flew off into the fog leaving the two boys stranded.
"keith, lance nice to have you back In the fight." shiro said welcoming them back, or so he thought "are you injured?"
"I hurt me leg a bit but I can live with it." alien keith said shooting at one of the galra cruisers.
the team then proceeded to win against the galra and left the planet without realising a thing.

once lance had helped keith into the cave he put keith down leaning against a rock. he looked down at keith leg where he had a tear in his pants and a cut that was bleeding. "it's a good job we didn't have time to change into our Armor or I wouldn't be able to do this." lance said while taking his jacket off.
"what are you doing?" keith asked.
"this" lance said, he grabbed his jacket by the sleeve and pulled as hard as he could.
keith was shocked, lance loved that jacket. he didn't know why but he thought lance saw some sentimental value in it. "what did you do that for? you just ruined your jacket!"
lance's eyes moved to Keith's face without moving head from his jacket "it's to stop the bleeding." lance lifted Keith's leg and put the ripped off piece of fabric underneath it, he grabbed both ends of the sleeve and tide it in a double knot at the side so keith cut was bandaged up. "there it should heal nicely now." keith was still in shock but lance just smiled "and anyways I didn't destroy my jacket, look." he grabbed the other sleeve and did the same thing to that one, he threw it aside and put the rest of the jacket on "see, now it's just a sleeveless jacket." keith chuckled at this. "I'm going to the lions to get my helmet so we can tell shiro what happened." lance said walking towards the entrance but stopped went he reach it "um, keith." lance yelled back at keith. "you might wanna come see this."
keith slowly got up getting used to his hurt leg, and walked towards lance "what is it?" although he realised himself when he got there "um, where are the lions?" keith asked as if lance would know.
"I have no idea" lance replied "but this means that we have no way of contacting the rest of the team."
"they'll find us, won't they?" keith asked although he didn't sound to convinced
"yeah, probably. but it's getting a bit late, we should try and start a fire and get to sleep." lance said walking back into the cave.
"yeah, I can start a fire." keith said limping back into the cave with lance.

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