chapter 4 - that night

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It took about 2 minutes for everyone to get bored of watching Keith and Lance being gay and continued the game, although keith and lance were still sat there in a state of happiness. They agreed to play until everyone had had a dare, this didn't take long as it was only Allura, Coran and Pidge who hadn't had a go and they excluded keith and lance. Pidge was the first to get picked and her dare was to sit upside down for the next round. the next to get picked was coran, his dare was to stand on the table and spin around until he falls off. this brought lance and keith out of their trance to see what was going on; it took less than 30 seconds for coran to fall off and land on Shiro's lap. He apologised as he climbed off him to sit back down in his seat. allura was the last to get picked and her dare was to impersonate one person in the group and everyone had to guess who it was.
all she did was wink and did the finger guns and keith quickly shouted "LANCE!"
allura gave keith the thumbs up to show he was right, keith smiled at her. then they decided it was getting late and  they should get to bed.

before they left the room pidge stared at keith and lance who were already stood up, once she got their attention she looked down at their hands indicating she wanted them to hold hands. they both got the memo and reluctantly linked hands.As they were walking down the corridor and shiro, hunk, allura and coran had already reached their rooms lance started asking pidge questions about the dare. "how serious do we have to be? do we have to kiss? because I don't want my first kiss to be with him." he begun
keith stopped which caused lance to stop too "you've never kissed anyone?" lance shook his head "I thought you were supposed to be 'lover-boy lance'" lance just shrugged.
Pidge then realised they had stopped and turned around "I guess I have to go more into detail on this dare. you don't have to kiss(I'm not that mean), the week starts tomorrow so you have to act like this until next Sunday, you can't argue, you have to more or less always be together (except for bathroom breaks) and you have to sleep together, so who's room are you sleeping in?"
lance looked at her with squinted eyes "first of all why do we have to act like a couple now if the dare starts from tomorrow?"
pidge looked like it was the most obvious thing in the world "because its only been like thirty minutes, which is not a full day."
lance sighed "fine. and second of all we are sleeping in my room."
"why your room?" keith asked
"because my room has videogames." lance said as he began walking again.

once they arrived at lance's room and said goodbye to pidge they decided to stay up and play one of lance's videogames "I am going to change into my pyjamas first." lance said grabbing some clothes out of his draw.
keith suddenly remembered he didn't get any pyjamas. "hey lance can I borrow some of you pyjamas? I didn't bring any and I can't be bothered going back to my room."
lance grabbed another pair of pyjamas out of the draw and threw them at keith "they might be a bit big but it's all I've got. I'll go and get changed in the bathroom." keith nodded as lance walked into the next room. keith put the black top and blue shorts on, they were a bit baggy as lance had said but it didn't seem like they would fit lance anymore. keith heard a nock on the bathroom "hey keith, are you ready?" he heard lance say.
"yes." keith said in reply.
the bathroom door opened and lance walked out, his eyes went wide when he saw keith "wow you look pretty cute in that."
keith started to blush "what?"
lance then realised what he said "I um- I mean pidge said we have to act like a couple, and that includes compliments right." lance was trying so hard not to show how much he was blushing, although it wasn't working.
keith sat down on the bed then looked down at what lance was wearing, he was wearing long blue pants and a white top with blue trims. "yeah, you look great in that as well I guess." he tried to sound as mutual as possible "can we play the game now?"
"sure." lance walked over to the console and presses the button to turn it on. he grabbed the two controllers next to the console and gave one to keith.

they both lost track of time and before they knew it it was 2:30 in the morning. lance didn't mind, he was used to staying up late playing videogames; he was having even more fun since he had someone who didn't know what he was doing playing with him because he got all the points. keith on the other hand wasn't used to staying up late and could hardly keep his eyes open. although he didn't want to stop playing, he was having to much fun. as time slowly crept by keith got even more tired. they were in the middle of a one on one battle when lance felt something drop onto his shoulder, he looked over to see keith had fallen asleep on him. lance grabbed the TV remote and turned the tv off then got up and carefully lay keith down on his bed and put the covers over him, lance stood there wondering how to lay down to without waking keith up.  out of the blue keith opened his eyes "are you gonna get in or what?"
lance was a bit surprised but climbed over keith and got under the covers. keith turned over to face lance "lance I think we both know we would both rather be doing anything else but this. but I think if we have to do it we might as well do it right, it's gonna be really awkward if we are really tense around each other. we're pretty good friends right? so we don't have to feel awkward around each other. lets just act like any other couple would, I've never actually been in a relationship before but I have watched tv couples and it can't be much different right?" keith looked at lance in the eyes and smiled.
lance smiled back "yeah right, that makes sense. although I've never been in a relationship before either."
keith looked shocked "really, wow that's a surprise to me."
"why because I am really handsome." lance put his finger guns up to his chin and smirked.
keith giggled "well, yeah but you were also always a flirt at the garrison."
lance smiled even wider "you just agreed to the fact I am handsome!"
keith did a sarcastic cough "what? no I didn't." keith made a obviously fake yawn "I am actually really tired all of a sudden, we should probably get to sleep." keith turned over in lance's single bed so he was facing the rest of the room. "night lance."
unexpectedly keith felt something wrap around his waist, lance had snuggled into keith and whispered in his ear "night keith." keith smiled a little before falling asleep in lance's arms.

Daredevil DaredevilTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang