chapter 8- day 2 part 2

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(e)  back on the castle of lions they still hadn't noticed anything unusual, well unusual as in Keith and lance weren't Keith and lance; although pidge did find something else unusual. back when the aliens found Keith and lance and took their shape they realised how lance was tenderly nurturing Keith in his arms as if they were a couple, because of that they thought they were a couple and that's how they acted. this was to completely sell the 'real Keith and lance' act.

pidge came running into the training room where Shiro was fighting a training robot "Shiro! the plan worked like a charm." Pidge said with a grin spread across her face.
"pause training sequence." Shiro yelled before turning toward pidge "what plan?"
pidge was jumping up and down in excitement "the plan to get Keith and lance together!?"
shiro's eyes widened "yeah?"
"it worked! I just walked into the lounge and they were making out."
shiro grinned "wow that was fast!"
the door on the other side of the room suddenly opened and 'lance and Keith' walked in "sup guys." Lance said
pidge tilted her head "weren't you just in the lounge? how did you get to the other side of the castle so fast going the long way?"
"We weren't just in the lounge, we came from the kitchen."
pidge and Shiro looked at each other in confusion. "what no? I just saw you making out in the lounge."
"yeah, when were you going to tell us about that by the way?" Shiro asked
pidge nodded "yeah the dare was only two days ago you two must be meant for each other or something."
'Keith' tilted his head "dare?"
pidge was getting concerned "you know the one were we dared you to act like a couple for a week?"
'lance and Keith' looked at each other knowing they might have been caught "oh yeah the dare were we have to act like a couple. we aren't actually together, I knew that!"
"the dare, of course we aren't actually a couple, that would be strange." they both said at the same time.

pidge turned to Shiro "Shiro that's not the real Keith and lance."
shiro raised an eyebrow "what? how can you tell?"
pidge sighed "isn't it weird how they came from the complete opposite direction from where I last saw them only minutes before and they didn't know about the dare? also, the fact that they now have weapons and are running towards us is a real clue."
shiro spun around to defend himself "pidge go find the rest of the team, I'll stay and fight these guys."
"got it" Pidge said running towards the exit.

(s)  lance and Keith walked out of the cave to find that the once foggy terrain was now a beautiful green grassy field with a clear blue lake, flowing waterfall and daisies and buttercups scattered around. "well this was unexpected!" Lance said eyes fixated on the fields.
"I know. what happened overnight?" Keith questioned. "lance look!" Keith said pointing at the lake "why don't we go swimming!"
lance looked at Keith puzzled "Keith not that I wouldn't love to but I don't think we packed swimming shorts."
"we don't need swimming shorts." Keith gabbed lance by the wrist and ran towards the lake
"what are we going to go in with our clothes on?" lance asked being pulled along by Keith.
keith stopped near the lake and began to take his jacket off. "no but you do have underwear on right?"
"wha-yes!" Lance said folding his arms.
keith took off his boots "good, because if you didn't I would be judging you."

lance began to take his jacket off, then his shoes and threw them in a pile next to him, he then proceeded to remove his top and threw it on the ground and when he looked back up Keith was staring at him. keith came out of his daze and realised that not only had he just been staring at lance's bare chest but Lance had noticed. lance sprung at the chance to tease Keith "like what you see?" Lance said with a smirk.
"shut up!" Keith said taking his shirt off and throwing it at lance.
once they were both just wearing their underwear Keith picked his jacket back up and reached into the pocket, he pulled out a hair tie and began tying his hair up so it was in a ponytail.
"why are you putting your hair up?" lance asked even though he thought it looked cute.
"I don't want to get it wet, it takes ages to dry." Keith said throwing his jacket back on the floor.
lance suddenly got an idea "oh really?" he ran at Keith and picked him up from just under his butt, he ran to the edge of the lake and jumped in with Keith. immediately they were submerged head to toe in water.
once they came back to the surface Keith turned to lance "fuck you" he said in a sarcastic tone.
lance burst out laughing but Keith saw that he had a clear shot to splash lance and get it in his mouth, but he had a better idea and a much grosser one as well. he sunk half way under water and filled up his mouth with water, he moved closer to lance and spat it out right into his face and mouth. lance stopped laughing and spat out the water from his mouth then wiped his face clean.
"what the hell Keith! that's so gross." Lance said trying to splash Keith. they started to splash each other continuously.

(e) pidge ran out of the training room and immediately bumped into something
"hey pidge." she heard someone say.
she looked up and realised it was Keith and lance "quick what did we dare you to do two days ago?"
they looked at each other in confusion "what are you talking about?" Keith asked. pidge drew her bayard and sliced through them both, green goo oozed out of them and they fell to the floor.

she ran towards the lounge but then passed the kitchen and saw hunk baking with Keith and lance. "hunk stay perfectly still and don't say a word!" she said quite sternly. hunk looked scared but did as she said. "Keith, lance what did we dare you to do two days ago."
they shrugged their shoulders at which pidge pulled out her bayards and released the end so it hit Keith and threw Keith into lance splattering them both on the wall.
hunk started to scream "pidge what have you done? have you gone mad? wait why is their blood green?" hunk said running towards the two dead aliens.  
Pidge was a little out of breath "because that isn't Keith and lance and I am not even sure if the real Keith and lance are on this ship."

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