10 - So Close Yet Nothing

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  • Dedicated to To My Readers! :3 Love you all! :D *throws cookies*

[f/n]'s P.o.V.

Evening came fast than I expected, the next thing I know that I am driving home after my work.

After minutes of driving, our home came into view and I parked the car in the driveway.

I got out of the car and locked it. The house was strangely quiet and the lights are all turned off.

I tilted my head. 'hm, maybe they went out' I shrugged it off and went to the door. I inserted the key and twisted it then it opened. I placed back the key in my bag and proceeded on entering.

It was surprisingly dark, I poked around for the switch and I flickered open the light to the entrance of the house.

I went to the living room and opened the lights there and found no one. I shrugged it off and went to the dining room.

I heard muffled voices and shuffling sounds. I shuddered and immediately poked for the light switch and flickered open the lights.

"SURPRISE!!!" I flinched at the voice and saw Mom, Dad, Liana and Archie holding out a [favorite cake].

"Whats this?" I walked to them.

Archie held up the cake to me. "Mom and Dad were sorry for what they've done" Archie whispered to me and I looked at mom and dad and they smiled at me.

"We're sorry [f/n]. We shouldn't have fought" Mom said smiling apologetic at me. "Its okay, Mom" I walked up to her and gave her a hug and she hugged back.

I pulled away and smiled. "So, that means you and dad are getting back together?" I asked hopefully.

Mom and Dad looked at each other and quickly looked away. "I'm sorry, sweetie, but, we're...not..." Mom hesitantly said the last part.

My hopes went down and I felt disappointed. But I covered it all up with a fake smile.

"C'mon! lets eat that cake!" I beckoned and they all agreed and went to the dining table to eat the sweet dessert.

After finishing the sweet dessert, I went to my room and sat on my bed.

I reminisced on what happened today, the meeting, Levi's kiss, Eren pinching my cheek...

A knock interrupted me from my trance. The door opened and there entered, Dad.

He closed the door behind him and walked up to me. "Yes, Dad?" I looked up at him.

"[f/n]" he sat beside me on my bed. I tilted my head slightly. "I didn't apologized properly lately, so..." he trailed off. "I'm sorry, I was just angry that time. My anger took over me" he finished.

I don't know if I should be happy or not, happy because he is sorry and not because, he and Mom are aren't going back together.

"Ok....its alright, Dad" I managed to say to him and gave him a faint smile.

He smiled then ruffled my hair. "I'll try to make us go back together, but, its hard, [f/n]". I sighed and nodded. He ruffled my hair one last time and left the room.

I sighed then flopped myself onto the bed. I changed into my PJ's and managed to get to sleep.

I woke up around 8:00 am when suddenly, I heard Hanji's voice calling out. "[f/n]!!!" I groaned. Remembering, today was the photo shoot day for the project.

I groaned again while getting up and rubbed my eyes. A knock came to my door. It was Archie.

"Sis, friends of yours is downstairs, should I let them in? Oh! Eren is there also!" I stopped rubbing my eyes.

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