"Good," said Daria. "Then I can quit wasting my time."

Upchuck pulled out a piece of paper and began reading it.

"Hurricane Katrina...a most powerful hurricane with unprecedented strength...rivaling the intensity of Hurricane Camille in 1969. Devastating damage expected...most of the area will be uninhabitable for weeks. Perhaps longer. At least one half of well-constructed homes will have roof and wall failure. All gabled roofs will fail, leaving those homes severely damaged or destroyed."

"Reading the Exit Mundi website again?" said Daria.

"Muy apocalypto," said Jane.

"Wrong!" said Upchuck. "That warning came from the National Weather Service!"

"Bull," said Daria. 

Upchuck had the attention of everyone as he continued to read. The memo from the National Weather Service read like it came from another planet. ALL wood framed apartment buildings would be destroyed. ALL windows would blow out. Power outages. Flying debris that would most likely kill anyone it hit. "Water shortages will make human suffering incredible by modern standards." 

As Upchuck read to the assembled, Daria thought that Hurricane Katrina must be something really bad for the National Weather Service author to drop his objectivity. Daria's more frightening conclusion was that the author was objective: New Orleans was in the way of a Category Five hurricane, and it was screwed.

There was a beat of silence, before Brittany interrupted. "Well...shouldn't we do something?"

Sandi scoffed. "Like what, Brittany? How is being invisible going to stop a hurricane?"

In seconds, everyone was talking, all talking over each other.

"--I could provide power if they needed power!"
"--guys, we have a duty! This is what our powers were for!"
"--The government knows whaaaaat to do!"
"--We can save lives! If we can save just one life it will be worth it!"
"--How are we going to get there? We're miles away!"
"--This is nuts."

Jane called "QUIET!!" Everyone went silent. Even the men serving the food in the mess tent listened, waiting for what Jane was going to do next.

Brittany continued. "Jane. We have to go. We don't have any choice. People would die if we don't go!"

Sandi answered. "People will die anyway. We're not powerful enough to stop a hurricane."

Jane looked to Daria. Daria seemed lost in thought. Jane muttered. "Daria. What do you think?"

Daria muttered back. "I don't know. I don't know if we'd be a help or be a liability."

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