5.9 - Little Yellow Corvette

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LLH 5.9 - Little Yellow Corvette

"HERE WE GO!" shouted Sandi (1) Griffin as she drove the station wagon right at the armored car.

Sandi hit the accelerator as Upchuck's borrowed car -- now equipped with shattered windshields and puncture wounds -- drove towards the blind spot of the armored car.

The response was instant. Bullet rounds cracked through the air, and Sandi watched in amazement as a bullet clipped off the driver's side mirror.

Upchuck acted. Reaching from inside of the car and grabbing the border of the roof, his body slithered and began to fill up the empty space the windshield used to occupy. Sandi tried to look around Upchuck, but Upchuck rapidly filled the entire area of the windshield with his body.

Whatever Upchuck had become, it was hard, metallic, and thick. Sandi's field of vision had been reduced to a mail-slot, but she could easily see the armored truck up ahead.
Upchuck had become an armored barrier.

Sandi heard a metallic "DING". "OW!" cried Upchuck.

Thank you, Upchuck.. No longer needing to worry about bullets, Sandi tightened her grip on the steering wheel and attempted to ram the truck again. I just wish Upchuck could have turned into a cannon!

(* * *)

When the Team Leader looked in her rear view mirror, she still saw the station wagon lumbering behind them and closing the distance. Except now, her view of the two passengers inside was blocked by something.

"We might need to get out there," said Team Leader. Black nodded.

(* * *)

Sandi (2) Griffin hit the accelerator of the yellow convertible. For once, she wished he had a geeky SUV instead of a cute little car known for its sporty luxury.

It further sank in that the number of chances she had to make this right was "one". If she got close enough...there was no way she could miss. However, what happened to her would be another story.

There were four options, none of them good: 1) miss completely, 2) roadkill, 3) dead bug on windshield, 4) deer with broken back on pavement.

Her heart suddenly skipped three beats. It was her mind telling her that she had now reached BAIL OUT POINT #1. Either DO IT, or drive away a gutless coward. The gutless coward option had a nice shine and Sandi (2) wanted to make a purchase.

As her brain screamed "run away!" her insignificant courage shouted at the top of its tinny voice to drown out the mind. Use the horn!

(* * *)

Tiffany felt the impact of something hitting the back of the armored car. She had taken off all of the "body sleeves" covering Daria, Quinn, and Jane and was desperately trying to unhook the restraining straps and wake up one of the three.

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