2.4 - The Show Must Go On

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LLH 2.4 - The Show Must Go On

Dawn Hall paced backstage. She wondered that the show the Legionnaires had planned was going to be too amateurish. After all, these were some of the moneyed elites of Utah. They could see just about any show, David Copperfield, David Blaine, anything they wanted.

Hall doubted, however, that any audience would have as free a run of the stage as this one would. They could examine the set, examine the performers, as much as possible. It would promote the Legion and give it a public face, as well as raise money for tsunami relief.

"I hate these! They're itchy!"

Another complaint from the increasingly unhappy Quinn Morgendorffer. Hall received the uniforms that morning: blue for Quinn, red for Daria, and pink for Jane. Quinn immediately demanded the pink uniform, and then Jane wanted Daria's red one. As a result, the uniform sizes weren't quite right. Hall was just glad that they were scrubs.

"I don't know if I can handle this," said Daria.

"Trust me, we won't let 'em get too close to you. You'll be the last one. Quinn will astound them, Jane will surprise them, and you'll send what's left over into cardiac shock."

A man pointed to Dawn Hall from behind the stage. "I'm on. And remember, ladies -- there's no way you can screw this up. Because anything you do will be something that they've never seen before in human history. Just be yourselves."

Dawn Hall strode out to the front stage to the applause of the moneyed executives. Each had already planned to give a significant amount to tsunami relief; the key would be in making them so happy they'd give more than the minimum -- and the goal was to make sure that when it came time to roll out the Legion officially, the Legion would have a lot of high friends.

(la la LA la la)

"Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome to Quest Corporation's presentation. Today, for your entertainment, you are going to witness a historic event. Do not doubt what your eyes are showing you? Is it magic? Is it real? What is it?

"It -- is --the Legion. This is power unmatched anywhere on earth. If you doubt what you see -- you can come up to the stage. Get as close as you dare to. Ask questions. Set conditions. Blindfolded, upside down, what have you. Bet money that there is no, and I repeat, no magician that can do anything that these three young women can do.

"Do you doubt me? Then put your money where your mouth is. How much extra would you give if you thought it was real? Then set that extra money aside and be ready to give it to the Quest Corporation Tsunami Fund...you won't be dissatisfied!"

A drum roll started. "Without further ado, please welcome Jane Lane, Daria Morgendorffer and Quinn Morgendorffer...the LEGIONNAIRES!!"

The three girls walked out hand in hand...Daria in the middle and Quinn and Jane to either side. Quinn and Daria were glad to break hand contact, and Quinn was left to the stage all on her own.

(la la LA la la)

Daria watched as Quinn started her part of the show. In her pink scrubs, she asked anyone who had no history of heart conditions of any type to raise their hands. Many of the older men in the audience raised their hands, but not all of them.

"Oh, come onnnnn!" said Quinn as she batted her eyes. "I need six strong, cute men!!" The businessmen laughed and there was some argument as six more rugged types made their way up the stage. Quinn played kindergarten teacher, bossing these captains of business around as if they were children. She had the six of them link hands and the last man held a light bulb down at his side.

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