~ Small Time Skip ~
~ Brought to you by Izuku breaking a punching bag by accident ~

Now, Izuku sat at his desk, staring out the window as he analyzed anything he could about Mt Lady's quirk which he presumed just increased her size and strength. Yet, none of his classmates noticed him. Although he was that one interesting person who sat by the window, so he was obviously the main character, they just kept talking about the new video of a mysterious hero and Mt Lady defeating a villain instead.

Although he heard someone watching the video and listened in on what the heroes said. "Now, Mt Lady, how do you feel about that mysterious guy who attacked the villain at the same time as you?" A reporter asked as Izuku closed his eyes to listen attentively.

"I mean, I'd like to talk to him. Other than that, I appreciate that he stopped the villain from causing more destruction and cleaning up." She said in response as Izuku felt a little proud of his actions until he heard the next part. "But he used his quirk without a license from what we know, so he could be just as bad as a villain. So unless he shows his face, we should be wary."

'Why? I broke the law to save lives yet they only see it as another possible threat.' He thought but that was soon interrupted by the bell ringing.

Fun Fact: In Japanese schools, you can't use your phone on campus. But since Izuku's school is super cheap, they won't enforce that law among others like using quirks and bullying.

So everyone stopped talking and a few put their phones away as their teacher walked into the class with a stack of papers that he set on the podium fixture at the front of the class. "Since you are all third-years, it's time to think seriously about your future. I'll pass out handouts for your future plans now, but... " The teacher paused as he threw the papers behind him and some people used their quirks subtly. "You're all... pretty much planning to go into the hero course, right?"

"Yes!" Most of the class shouted as they used their quirks except two people, a sandy-blonde big baby who was trying to take a nap and Izuku who just continued to look out the window as a small bird landed on the windowsill.

"Yes, yes, you all have wonderful quirks! But using your powers at school is against the rules!" He said yet his students continued to use their quirks, while the blonde Baka decided to wake up and talk.

"Sensei! Don't lump us all in the same group. I'm not going to be stuck at the bottom with all of these rejects!" He said as his classmates started to yell at him, but a certain bush-man could vouch for him although they scared the little bird away with their practically useless quirks. "You all shut up like the extras you are!"

"Ah! If I remember correctly, you wanted to go to U.A. High, right, Bakugo?" The teacher asked while holding a clipboard which silenced everyone as they now gasped at Katsuki Bakugo trying to get into that prestigious school. It's not the best hero school in the country for nothing, you know.

"That's exactly why you guys are just extras." He said before jumping onto his desk in a dramatic pose which looked retarded since he kept his head down and his nose higher, metaphorically of course. "I aced the mock test! I'm the only one at this school who could possibly get into U.A.! I'll definitely surpass All Might and become the number one hero! My name will be inscribed on the list of top earners!"

"Oh yeah, Midoriya wanted to go to U.A., too, right?" The teacher said which made everyone look at the mysterious, 'quirkless' person who just said 'hey' casually since he wasn't paying attention at all. But in an instant, they burst out into laughter which Izuku just brushed off since he knew this would happen eventually with his idiot of a teacher. He could say that his teacher was more oblivious to a situation than Ichika from Infinite Stratos, but that might be taking it too far.

(Bnha) Number NineNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ