She starts to sing. I swear even the birds stop to listen. It sounds like the school falls silent. Everything stops while she sings.

"the power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
Flame heartburn desire
Love with tones of fire
Perch the soul
Make love your goal

I'll protect you from the hooded clone
Keep the vampires from your door
When it chips it down I'll be around
With my un dyeing death deifying love for you
Envy will hurt itself dying
Let yourself be beautiful
Sparkling light flower pearls and pretty girls
Love is like and energy rushing in
Rushing inside me

The power of love
A force from above
Cleaning my soul
Flame heart burn desire
Perch the soul make love your goal..

The power of love
A force from above.
A sky scraping dove.."

She hits a high note which is unbelievable. Then she carries on.

"Flame heart burn desire love with tones of fire
Perch the soul
Make love your goal....." And with that she finished.

I am absolutely speechless. I look around. Everyone is starring at her, their phones in there hands still recording.
"Someone say something. was it bad?" She says. I can see she's shaking. I must say something.
"That was brilliant kat!" Is all is say. We'll I mean that's all I could say at this moment. What I just witness is pure talent. Pure talent.
"Kitty got claws and a nice voice!" Finnick shout causing people to look at us through the door.

We have 10 minutes to the first lesson which is: gym then after that gym then break.
"Uh oh!" Katniss exclaims looking at the sheet.
"What?" Cato and marvel ask.
"It's double gym and I don't have my kit! It's in my room!"
"Oh god same!" Glimmer whines.
"I think all of us have!" Jo whines.
"Uh so have we!" Gale add. I forgot mine two.

We start to walk to our dorm by put where no where near and we have 5 minutes!
"Okay take this!" Katniss gives her jacket to glimmer.
"What are you doing?" Finnick asks.
"Shes running there!" Annie explains.
"Should I go?" She asks they nod.
"You won't make it in time!" I tell her. She pretends not to notice.
"Stay here!" She tells them she nods. "And hey peeta? Don't under estimate me!" She runs away..

"Okay maybe one of us should so that!" Marvel suggests.
"I will do it!" They all nod. I give them my jacket and start running.

I get round the corner around 100m meters from the tree that katniss was in last night. Katniss is running back all ready.
"I told you!" She smiles as we run past each other. With that I speed up!


Having loads of bags on my back doesn't slow me down much.
"And the kitty Is back with 2 minutes to spare!" Finnick jokes.
"Seriously?" I ask.
"Yeah I was actually being serious!" He admits.
"Wow your fast!" Jo says.
"Yeah so fast you could see smoke coming from her heals!" Gale adds and laughs at his own joke. I give him the evil glare and he shuts up with a little laugh from the others. He looks at the ground. I hand the gym bags to the girls. Glimmer gives me my jacket back.
"That worked well I thought?" Clove smiles.
"We should do it more often!" Annie adds.
"What? Make me run around forget stuff then running for it?" They all nod. I laugh at the thought.
"Where's Peeta?" I ask as I turn around. You can just see him running in the distance. I don't actually think it's him but it's hard to tell from this far away.
"I'm right here!" He states as he walks around the corner towards us. He throws the boys gym bags at them.
"1 minute to spare Mallark!" Finnick states.
"That's it I've got it!" everyone stares at me. "The perfect nick name for Finnick!" I exclaim.
"This gotta be good!" Gale says.
"Finny!" The boys laugh first then the girls join in. Then Finnick laughs. Then suddenly stops.
"I don't like it never say it again.."
"That or sharkFIN!" This tips everyone over the edge with laughter. I look around and so many people are staring at us it's unbelievable.
"SharkFIN I like that!" Finnick says.
"Good!" I smile at him. Jo sighs. Gale sighs. Cato and clove sigh. I sigh. Peeta sighs. Then finally the bell goes. Right let's go to gym.

We line up in the sports hall and the teachers run us through:
There names: cashmere, gloss,enobaria and brut..somebody (I wasn't paying attention.)
They also run us through:
Where to get dressed.
And what activities we are doing.
"For the girls dance with cashmere and enobaria." Gloss announces. "Boys, you have football with me and Brutus!" The boys cheer. I turn around.
"Dance could be good." I say to clove.
"Cheerleading is based on dance. You could do your flip series!" She says. We gigle a tiny bit before we go get changed.

We also get gym lockers which are good. Mines next to clove and Annie's. We get changed into their our kit. Which is a gold t-shirt with red around the rim, and a red skort (shorts and a skirt!) which has gold round the bottom.
"I like it!" Jo says fixing her hair in the mirror.
"I don't like the shirt I mean why gold!" I whine.
"I like it just as it is!" Clove says adjusting her skort higher.
"Clove we're not gonna see the boys!" Annie points out.
"I know!" She adjust her skort higher.
"That's enough clove!" I say.
"Okay should we go warm up?" Jo asks.
"Hold on jo!" I state. "Are you a cheerleader?"
"Then why did you just ask if we should warm up?" Annie asks.
"I...i" she stutters. "Fine! I am!" We laugh and run into the main dance studio and warm up.

There's around 30 of us in the big dance studio.
"Okay, get into groups of five!" Cashmere shouts across the hall. Cloves and glimmer nod at me then the others as were in a line. That's fine we're a group. I look over to my left and I can see delly struggling to find a group. Oh well.
"So in your group you have got to chooses a song and well really.." She looks at enobaria.
"Show us what you have got!" Enobaria finishes for her.

With that we start to rehearse.

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