Your first date-

You dressed in your most lavish attire. You heard a knock on your window. A smile grew on your face as you tiptoed down the hallway and opened your front door. You winced at the screeching sound the door made. The Stark girl heard the door and began to walk around the building. You closed the door back. She offered you her hand and you took the two of you running down the street. You both began to laugh as you ran down the street. Y/H/L Y/H/S Y/H/C hair blew behind you. You arrived outside of Winterfell and she pressed a finger to her lips telling you to be quiet. You snuck past the guards and inched your way against the cold brick of the outer walls. She stopped in front of the wall catty-corner from the back and the left side of the castle. She got down on her knees not caring about her dress. She took out the bricks at the bottom out. It opened a whole just wide enough for you both to fit through one at a time. "I am gonna crawl through then your gonna follow after but I want to say I am so sorry that your dress is gonna get muddy but I have a deal you can borrow one of my dresses while my handmaiden cleans yours also you look breathtaking," She rambles. You nod your head before saying, "Thank you." She crawls through the hole and you followed. When inside she filled the hole back up and you stood up and she stood up too. "Come on," She motioned taking your hand and pulling you forward. She pulled you towards the entrance and down to the lowest level of the castle. There was a chest covering a creaky wooden door. She moved the chest and then opened the door and slid down the stone slide that was under it. "Are you coming," She shouted. You sat on the cold stone and slid as well. She caught you at the bottom. You gasped when you looked around you were in the hot springs under Winterfell. Furs were laid out on the cold slippery wet rock. Food and wine laid out across it. She motioned you over to the blanket. You both talked and ate and drank before going swimming. She took you up to her room after gave you a dress to change into took yours setting it with her laundry. You changed and she walked you home. You removed the dress and changed into a new set of dry night clothes. You drifted off into a night of slumber dreaming about the beautiful woman.

What she calls you-

My everything

Lyanna was passionate and loved with her all. When she cared for someone they became the most important thing in her life. You were the number one person in her life and subconsciously was her everything. 

What you call her-

My Northern Rose

She was beautiful and strong just like a northern rose.

Your first kiss-

You and Lyanna were walking around Winterfell when one of there servants ran up to her. "My lady your father requests your presence he is in the great hall," The slave cowards. "Thank you, Scarlett," She thanks before walking with you towards the great hall. "Stay here until I figure out what he wants I will be right back my everything," She explains placing a kiss to your cheek and gliding through the large double wooden doors. Inside your lover greeted her father, "Hello father how may I help you this afternoon?" "We have a feast for Brandon's name day in seven sunrises he has requested a grand affair and that is what he is getting people from all over the north are coming I need lots of wine lots of quality wine I have a bunch of wine shipped here today to test but  I have business to attend to Eddard has gone back to the Vale he met up with Robert this morning to begin his journey Benjen is at his lessons Brandon is currently at the brothel and I don't know when he will be back so I need you to taste them for me," Explained Rickard Stark. "Of course father but I have company waiting for me outside may she join me," His only daughter agreed obediently before asking? "Yes, of course, go get her I have to be going," The lord agreed before walking out. He nodded his head in a quick hello as he walked by. Lyanna peered her head out the door, "Come were wine tasting." You entered the thick wooden double doors with a loud noise that echoed through the great hall. She sat down patting the seat next to her. The second you were comfortable in your chair the servant entered with a goblet of wine. "I am sorry my lady I didn't know there would be more than one of you should I go fill another goblet," The servant asked? "No not this time we can share just remember it for the next round Margret," Lyanna accepted. "Yes My lady," She replies before scurrying through the small door to the kitchen.  She picked the wine up and handed it to you. You took a long drink. Lyanna watched your throat as you drank her eyes panning down to your breast and back up to your Y/E/C eyes. She took her lip between her teeth biting. You set the cup back down. "That one is very delicious," You commented. "I must try it then," She comments. "Yes you should," You question confusingly when you saw her staring at you. She leaned forward gripping your face in her hands softly before whispering, "May I kiss you?" You didn't reply you just connected your lips to hers. The kissed started off intense and passionate before it slowed down and turned sweet and slow. You pulled away because your need for oxygen when she says with a smirk, "That wine is my favorite I have ever tasted."

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