Chapter 5: Losing Hope

Start from the beginning

(Nappa)"If you're worried your friend will be lonely in Hell, don't worry, you'll be joining him soon enough!"

(Tien)"I'll...kill you! You won't get away with what you've done!"

He ran to Nappa, swinging his remaining arm, and kicking, but Nappa just simply dodged and blocked each strike, with one of them making contact with a stone, shattering it. Nappa kneed Tien in the stomach, launching him in the sky, then punched him back down.

(Nappa)"I'm starting to get bored just knocking you around. I think I'll just end this now!"

He slowly rose high up, and flew down at Tien.

(Piccolo)"Everyone, scatter!"

Piccolo and Krillin flew towards Nappa with great speed. Piccolo punched him in the face, launching him towards Krillin, who then launched him towards Gohan.

(Piccolo)"Gohan, hit him now!"

Gohan was so afraid, he couldn't move, and Nappa was quickly falling towards him.

(Piccolo)"What are you doing, Gohan?! Blast him now!"

(Gohan)"I-I-I'm too afraid!"

He fell to the ground, covering his head.

(Piccolo)"Ugh, you're useless!"

Piccolo and Krillin fired energy blast at Nappa, but he recoverd from that sneak attack, and dodged them.

(Nappa)"I'll give you some credit, that was a good move, you almost had me there for a second!"

Back on the ground, Tien looked at Nappa, as he was remembering his past of him and Chiaotzu.

(Tien)"Chiaotzu...we've faced so many challenges, and we've always come through them, together! But this time...Chiaotzu!"

He got back on his feet, and walked to where Nappa was.

(Tien)"Chiaotzu, I won't let your sacrifice be in vain, I promise!"

He put everything he had left into his last hand, and was about to use his ultimate attack.

(Tien)"Neo Tri Beam!"

He put his hand into a V shape, and fired his attack at Nappa, hitting him dead on. As he slowly looked at where Nappa was, his heart felt like it sank into his stomach. Nappa was still alive, the only thing that was damaged, was the shoulder pads and bottom pieces of his armor.

(Nappa)"Well, that wasn't half bad!"

(Krillin)"I-It didn't have any affect!"

(Piccolo)"It's like, nothing can stop him!"


Tien collapsed.

(Krillin)"Tien, can't be dead too! Everyone's dying, and I don't know how to stop it!

He yelled to the heavens.


In the Other World, Goku, aka, Kakarot, could hear his friend's cry for help.

(Goku)"Don't worry guys, I'm coming!"

Piccolo and Krillin went back to the ground, and Nappa was about to finish them off.

(Vegeta)"Nappa wait!"

Nappa stopped in his tracks, and looked at Vegeta.


(Vegeta)"I want to ask them some questions first."

He looked at Krillin.

(Vegeta)"This Goku you keep blabbing about, he's Kakarot, right?"

(Krillin)"Don't call him that! He's Goku now!"

(Vegeta)"Hahaha! To think that Kakarot is your only hope! He couldn't even take on Radiz, how do you think he's going to defeat all three of us!?"

(Krillin)"You'll find out when he gets here, he's different than before!"

(Nappa)"Really? You know, I might believe you, if he wasn't too scared to show his face! Are you sure he didn't just abandon you?"

Gohan found the courage to speak up.

(Gohan)"That's my dad! He'll be here, and you'll be sorry!"

(Vegeta)"Really? Well that sounds interesting. I guess we can give your hero a bit more time. We'll give him three hours, that's all he gets."

(Nappa)"That's ridiculous! I can't wait that long!"

He resumed flying towards the remaining Z-fighters. But before he could reach them, Chiliad appeared in front of him.

(Chiliad)"That's enough, Nappa! Are you refusing a direct order?"

(Nappa)"N-No! Sorry, Lord Chiliad, I just got carried away for a second!"

Chiliad turned to the Z-fighters.

(Chiliad)"Kakarot won't save you, but he gave you three more hours of life."

He walked back to his throne.

(Piccolo)"What is this guy?! I couldn't even sense him moving! Goku, you better have a way to beat these guys!"

(Three remain, but not for long...)

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