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About 300 Years Later:

So this is what it feels like. To be forgotten. I roam Asgard, a free spirit, no one missing me or looking up to me. I've grown used to it.

Loki has changed so much, and it disappoints me. He's no longer the polite and devilishly charming boy I fell in love with. Now he's just wicked and cruel, blind by his hate.

I can't help but notice that there's something obvious missing in his life now:



When he found out about the frost giants, I cried for him. With him. Even though he couldn't see me. Even after he betrayed Thor and he faked his suicide, I was beside him. I could have told Odin all his plans...but I never wanted to see him suffer more consequence.

So when he went to Earth, I went too!

I've noticed a sick change in him. The trickster and mischievousness; those were parts of him I had never, ever seen before. I'm glad I wasn't alive to see, either.

With all that he's done, I still see my Loki inside him. He's buried deep, but he's still here somehow. Even though he doesn't remember me, I will always love him.


Loki and Thor will have stories. The humans will have legends about them, and about Loki even more so.

Odin and Frigga hold places in mortal history as well.

All Asgardians will.

All except me. No one will know me. No one will remember me.

My story won't ever be told...

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