Loki's Bride

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Many don't know the real Loki.

The Loki before the Aether, before the Avengers, before Thor was banished, before he found out he was adopted;

The Loki who loved his brother and thought nothing was more important than his family;

The Loki that even fell in love...


This story takes place, yes, before everything. Loki is originally 1048 (Asgardian) years old (About 25 in human years) in the original story/movies.

In this story, he is only 700 years old (about 16 in human years).


Now, this story may seem like it's all about Loki, and it is. But I'm going to be really honest with you...I cannot tell a story like this from his point of view.

Seriously, I've been trying, and it isn't pretty.

So, as an alternate, the story will be told by...well, you'll just have to read the story and find out. But, I promise, the story is all about Loki. Just bare with me!

Thanks so much for reading! You're all the best!


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