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Life seemed to go on almost as normal. Well, as normal as a forced princess with recently deceased parents, and a prince for a fiancé life can go. Don't get me wrong, I was in a dark pit for a while, mourning for the loss of my family and some of my old friends. But I couldn't stay down forever.

And my new family helped me get through it.

There's lot of distractions, too. With the wedding and everything, I mean. That helps. I am so excited. All the fear of marrying and pleasing Loki is gone now. He's always showing me new ways to prove he does love me and that he does in fact want me. And I feared he didn't.

I just don't know how long we'll have to wait to really tie the knot. Both of us are ready...


I stay with Loki every night, against what Frigga expects. We sleep in the same bed, but nothing ever happens. It's not that we don't want it to, but it's just more right to wait until after we're really married.

Hey, call us old fashioned and boring, but that's us. And I think it's much more respectful that Loki waits. Wouldn't you agree?

But tonight seems different for me. These nights have been going on for what has seemed like forever, and I'm getting sick of waiting. I don't dare to tell Loki that, though.

He isn't even here at the moment anyway. He's out with Thor and their friends. I don't dare go out with them, I'm really not the party type. Especially around Thor.

I just lay in bed and stare out the window as I wait for Loki to return. I sigh, seeing even the stars move as the time drags on. I want to be awake when he comes back.

But I should have known this would happen....

The door of the room opened, and someone literally fell through it. My back was to the door and at first, I didn't look to see who it was. If it wasn't Loki, I didn't want it to look like I was awake.

But then I heard a laugh, and that's when I leaned up. Loki was drunk. Very drunk.

I couldn't help but smile as I got out of bed and went to help him up. I'd never seen him drunk before, and I figured it could be entertaining. He jumped up, studying me with a blank expression.

As I led him toward the bed, he poked my cheek. "Hey....hey you're beautiful." He commented. I rolled my eyes and pushed him on the bed. He fell easily, obviously. He didn't protest, he just laid there and started laughing for no reason. Again, I couldn't help but laugh too.

"So I'm guessing you had a good time?" I wondered, walking to the other side and sitting across from him, criss cross next to his head. He raised his arms, as if painting a picture in mid air. "Oh no, not at all." He corrected. He rolled over, his head very close to my knee now. He stared into my eyes, but he wasn't focused, I could tell.

"Serena," he said, pointing at me. "Drinking is bad...don't ever do it." He informed me, shaking his head. I couldn't contain my laughter, and he laughed when I did. Seeing him like this was so fun. He wasn't the serious Loki with a little sense of humor anymore...he was just goofy.

He ran his hand over my bare knee suddenly, while I wasn't paying attention, and I choked on my giggle, now holding my breath and watching him intently.

He just glanced up into my eyes. Seeing my stare must have scared him, because he let go immediately. He didn't say anything, but he leaned up, now sitting on his knees. He was still swaying, and it was impossible for me to resist just poking him and watch him fall over. But as I tapped him, he swung his arms around me and dragged me down with him.

I couldn't help but laugh again at his goofy smirk. He was just so cute this way!

But as I smiled, his faded. I soon stopped and we both stared seriously at each other for a moment. His eyes were intense now.

Oh my god, he's so drunk, I know what he's thinking...

When he leaned his head slightly forward to kiss me, I gave in, leaning down onto him. He didn't taste like alcohol, and I should have asked weather he was actually drunk or not. I had a feeling I was being tricked, but I really didn't care after the next move me made. He seemed to have gathered his composure and awareness again as well, because he executed everything else so perfectly.

He rolled over, him on top of me now. I still said nothing, I only went with his movements as we kissed. Not even when he started lifting my dress up did I protest. I kept still and let him do what he wanted, because I wanted the same thing.


"You two are dispicable!! What have you been doing?! Serena, get up!" I heard someone yell. It woke me slowly out of my sleep, and I realized I was sleeping with Loki. He was behind me, holding me as he still slept. I looked tiredly around for the voice, and I saw Frigga standing on the other side of the bed with her hands on her hips and an angry face.

"I said get up! Get out! How could you two do this?! You are not married yet!" She yelled once more, tearing the blanket off of us. I wasn't embarrassed, just shocked. Frigga was mad.


I snapped into action and jumped out of the bed, even if I was all bare. But right as I stood up, a servant came and held a sheet up to shield the sight of me from Loki. He was only just beginning to wake.

I didn't want to watch him, it seemed too inappropriate. Plus, Frigga forced me to turn away once he did start to stir. "What's going on?" He asked tiredly. He didn't seem to be phased by the fact that he was naked, and three women were in the room.

"What's going on?!" Frigga repeated. "What's going on?! What's going on is you two breaking tradition! Sinning! Loki you're a prince for Asgard's sake! How could you let this happen, I am so disappointed in you both!!" She shouted, now pushing me and the servant out of the room.

Loki and I made eye contact once, and he was just smiling at me. He probably found my guilty look amusing. But when I saw his wicked smile, the same one I fell for that night, I couldn't help but smile back.

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